DSA-2626-1 lighttpd -- several issues

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-3555   CVE-2012-4929  

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the TLS/SSL protocol. This update addresses these protocol vulnerabilities in lighttpd. CVE-2009-3555 Marsh Ray, Steve Dispensa, and Martin Rex discovered that the TLS and SSLv3 protocols do not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to insert data into HTTPS sessions. This issue is solved in lighttpd by disabling client initiated renegotiation by default. Those users that do actually need such renegotiations, can reenable them via the new ssl.disable-client-renegotiation parameter. CVE-2012-4929 Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong discovered a weakness in the TLS/SSL protocol when using compression. This side channel attack, dubbed CRIME, allows eavesdroppers to gather information to recover the original plaintext in the protocol. This update disables compression. For the stable distribution (squeeze), these problems have been fixed in version 1.4.28-2+squeeze1.2. For the testing distribution (wheezy), and the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version 1.4.30-1. We recommend that you upgrade your lighttpd packages.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-2626-1 lighttpd -- several issues

Date Reported:
17 Feb 2013
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In the Debian bugtracking system: Bug 700399.
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2012-4929.
More information:

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the TLS/SSL protocol. This update addresses these protocol vulnerabilities in lighttpd.

  • CVE-2009-3555

    Marsh Ray, Steve Dispensa, and Martin Rex discovered that the TLS and SSLv3 protocols do not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to insert data into HTTPS sessions. This issue is solved in lighttpd by disabling client initiated renegotiation by default.

    Those users that do actually need such renegotiations, can reenable them via the new ssl.disable-client-renegotiation parameter.

  • CVE-2012-4929

    Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong discovered a weakness in the TLS/SSL protocol when using compression. This side channel attack, dubbed CRIME, allows eavesdroppers to gather information to recover the original plaintext in the protocol. This update disables compression.

For the stable distribution (squeeze), these problems have been fixed in version 1.4.28-2+squeeze1.2.

For the testing distribution (wheezy), and the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version 1.4.30-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your lighttpd packages.