
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-43565   CVE-2022-41723   CVE-2023-24538  

The x/crypto/ssh package before 0.0.0-20211202192323-5770296d904e of allows an attacker to panic an SSH server. (CVE-2021-43565) http2/hpack: avoid quadratic complexity in hpack decoding (CVE-2022-41723) Templates did not properly consider backticks (`) as Javascript string delimiters, and as such didnot escape them as expected. Backticks are used, since ES6, for JS template literals. If a templatecontained a Go template action within a Javascript template literal, the contents of the action couldbe used to terminate the literal, injecting arbitrary Javascript code into the Go template. (CVE-2023-24538)


Amazon Linux 1 Security Advisory: ALAS-2023-1866
Advisory Release Date: 2023-10-12 15:48 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2023-10-24 21:37 Pacific
Severity: Important

Issue Overview:

The x/crypto/ssh package before 0.0.0-20211202192323-5770296d904e of allows an attacker to panic an SSH server. (CVE-2021-43565)

http2/hpack: avoid quadratic complexity in hpack decoding (CVE-2022-41723)

Templates did not properly consider backticks (`) as Javascript string delimiters, and as such did
not escape them as expected. Backticks are used, since ES6, for JS template literals. If a template
contained a Go template action within a Javascript template literal, the contents of the action could
be used to terminate the literal, injecting arbitrary Javascript code into the Go template. (CVE-2023-24538)

Affected Packages:


Issue Correction:
Run yum update amazon-ssm-agent to update your system.

New Packages:
