
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-3730  

In OpenSSL 1.1.0 before 1.1.0d, if a malicious server supplies bad parameters for a DHE or ECDHE key exchange then this can result in the client attempting to dereference a NULL pointer leading to a client crash. This could be exploited in a Denial of Service attack.

The MITRE CVE dictionary describes this issue as:

In OpenSSL 1.1.0 before 1.1.0d, if a malicious server supplies bad parameters for a DHE or ECDHE key exchange then this can result in the client attempting to dereference a NULL pointer leading to a client crash. This could be exploited in a Denial of Service attack.

Find out more about CVE-2017-3730 from the MITRE CVE dictionary dictionary and NIST NVD.

CVSS v3 metrics

NOTE: The following CVSS v3 metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

CVSS3 Base Score 5.9
CVSS3 Base Metrics CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H
Attack Vector Network
Attack Complexity High
Privileges Required None
User Interaction None
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality None
Integrity Impact None
Availability Impact High

Affected Packages State

Platform Package State
Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3 openssl Not affected
Red Hat JBoss EWS 2 openssl Not affected
Red Hat JBoss EWS 1 openssl Not affected
Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 openssl Not affected
Red Hat JBoss EAP 5 openssl Not affected
Red Hat JBoss Core Services 1 openssl Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 openssl098e Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 openssl Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 OVMF Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 openssl Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 openssl098e Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 openssl097a Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 openssl Not affected
RHEV Manager 3 mingw-virt-viewer Not affected

External References