
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2014-6512  

It was discovered that the DatagramSocket implementation in OpenJDK failed to perform source address checks for packets received on a connected socket. A remote attacker could use this flaw to have their packets processed as if they were received from the expected source.

It was discovered that the DatagramSocket implementation in OpenJDK failed to perform source address checks for packets received on a connected socket. A remote attacker could use this flaw to have their packets processed as if they were received from the expected source.

Find out more about CVE-2014-6512 from the MITRE CVE dictionary dictionary and NIST NVD.

CVSS v2 metrics

Base Score 4.3
Base Metrics AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N
Access Vector Network
Access Complexity Medium
Authentication None
Confidentiality Impact None
Integrity Impact Partial
Availability Impact None

Find out more about Red Hat support for the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).

Red Hat Security Errata

Platform Errata Release Date
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (java-1.7.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1620 2014-10-15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary 5 (java-1.6.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1877 2014-11-19
Red Hat Satellite 5.6 (RHEL v.5) (java-1.6.0-ibm) RHSA-2015:0264 2015-02-24
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary (v. 7) (java-1.7.1-ibm) RHSA-2014:1880 2014-11-20
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (java-1.7.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1620 2014-10-15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary (v. 6) (java-1.7.1-ibm) RHSA-2014:1880 2014-11-20
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary (v. 6) (java-1.5.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1881 2014-11-20
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary (v. 6) (java-1.7.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1882 2014-11-20
Red Hat Satellite 5.6 (RHEL v.6) (java-1.6.0-ibm) RHSA-2015:0264 2015-02-24
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (java-1.6.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1634 2014-10-15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (java-1.8.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1636 2014-10-15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary 5 (java-1.7.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1876 2014-11-19
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (java-1.7.0-oracle) RHSA-2014:1657 2014-10-16
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (java-1.6.0-sun) RHSA-2014:1658 2014-10-16
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (java-1.7.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1633 2014-10-14
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (java-1.6.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1634 2014-10-15
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (java-1.6.0-openjdk) RHSA-2014:1634 2014-10-15
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (java-1.7.0-oracle) RHSA-2014:1657 2014-10-16
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (java-1.6.0-sun) RHSA-2014:1658 2014-10-16
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (java-1.7.0-oracle) RHSA-2014:1657 2014-10-16
Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (java-1.6.0-sun) RHSA-2014:1658 2014-10-16
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary (v. 6) (java-1.6.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1877 2014-11-19
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplementary 5 (java-1.5.0-ibm) RHSA-2014:1881 2014-11-20


This issue was discovered by Florian Weimer of Red Hat Product Security.

External References