

CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: NA | CVSSv2: 4.3 | VMScore: 530 | EPSS: 0.00098 | KEV: Not Included
Published: 31/12/2003 Updated: 20/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Apache HTTP Server 1.3.22 up to and including 1.3.27 on OpenBSD allows remote malicious users to obtain sensitive information via (1) the ETag header, which reveals the inode number, or (2) multipart MIME boundary, which reveals child process IDs (PID).

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apache http server 1.3.22

apache http server 1.3.23

apache http server 1.3.24

apache http server 1.3.25

apache http server 1.3.26

apache http server 1.3.27

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parse nessus report and search for specific data

nessus-search parse nessus report and search for specific data The script has been built to help after running nessus multiple scans during pentest and at writing the report Requirements gem install ruby-nessus Usage ruby nessus-searchrb -h Usage: nessus-search [options] -p, --path PATH File or directory path -

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