
CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: 2 | CVSSv2: 7.8 | VMScore: 880 | EPSS: 0.9696 | KEV: Not Included
Published: 29/08/2011 Updated: 21/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

The byterange filter in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x, 2.0.x up to and including 2.0.64, and 2.2.x up to and including 2.2.19 allows remote malicious users to cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption) via a Range header that expresses multiple overlapping ranges, as exploited in the wild in August 2011, a different vulnerability than CVE-2007-0086.

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apache http server

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canonical ubuntu linux 10.04

canonical ubuntu linux 10.10

canonical ubuntu linux 11.04

Vendor Advisories

Synopsis Moderate: httpd security and bug fix update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Moderate Topic Updated httpd packages that fix multiple security issues and one bug arenow available for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 102 for Red Hat EnterpriseLinux 5 and 6The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated th ...
A remote attacker could send crafted input to Apache and cause it to crash ...
Two issues have been found in the Apache HTTPD web server: CVE-2011-3192 A vulnerability has been found in the way the multiple overlapping ranges are handled by the Apache HTTPD server This vulnerability allows an attacker to cause Apache HTTPD to use an excessive amount of memory, causing a denial of service CVE-2010-1452 A vulnerability has b ...
The Apache HTTP Server is a popular web server A flaw was found in the way the Apache HTTP Server handled Range HTTP headers A remote attacker could use this flaw to cause httpd to use an excessive amount of memory and CPU time via HTTP requests with a specially-crafted Range header (CVE-2011-3192) All httpd users should upgrade to these updated ...
The Apache HTTPd server contains a denial of service vulnerability when it handles multiple, overlapping ranges Multiple Cisco products may be affected by this vulnerability Mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within the network are available in the Cisco Applied Intelligence companion document for this Advisory: toolscisc ...


#Apache httpd Remote Denial of Service (memory exhaustion) #By Kingcope #Year 2011 # # Will result in swapping memory to filesystem on the remote side # plus killing of processes when running out of swap space # Remote System becomes unstable # use IO::Socket; use Parallel::ForkManager; sub usage { print "Apache Remote Denial of Service (memor ...
/* * This is a reverse engineered version of the exploit for CVE-2011-3192 made * by ev1lut10n (jayakonstruksicom/backupintsec/rapachetgz) * Copyright 2011 Ramon de C Valle <rcvalle@redhatcom> * * Compile with the following command: * gcc -Wall -pthread -o rcvalle-rapache rcvalle-rapachec */ #include <stdioh> #inclu ...
Opoliseu suffers from cross site request forgery, cross site scripting, denial of service, and remote blind SQL injection vulnerabilities The vendor has not responded to the researchers reports of these issues ...
This is a reverse engineered version of the exploit by ev1lut10n that triggers a denial of service condition using a vulnerability in the Range header of Apache versions 13x, 2064 and below and 2219 and below ...
Obehotel CMS suffers from denial of service, insecure transit, directory listing, and remote SQL injection vulnerabilities ...
ProtonMailch suffers from cross site request forgery, header injection, and out of date software vulnerabilities Note that this finding houses site-specific data ...

Nmap Scripts


Detects a denial of service vulnerability in the way the Apache web server handles requests for multiple overlapping/simple ranges of a page.

nmap --script http-vuln-cve2011-3192.nse [--script-args http-vuln-cve2011-3192.hostname=nmap.scanme.org] -pT:80,443 <host>

Host script results: | http-vuln-cve2011-3192: | VULNERABLE: | Apache byterange filter DoS | State: VULNERABLE | IDs: CVE:CVE-2011-3192 OSVDB:74721 | Description: | The Apache web server is vulnerable to a denial of service attack when numerous | overlapping byte ranges are requested. | Disclosure date: 2011-08-19 | References: | http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Aug/175 | http://nessus.org/plugins/index.php?view=single&id=55976 | http://osvdb.org/74721 |_ http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3192

Github Repositories

DDoS Script | Scanner

DDoS-Script DDoS Script | Scanner Scanners &amp; Filtering Chargen Scanner pastebincom/5VVSHXYD Chargen Filter (PHP) pastebincom/JN8XQsAG DNS AMP Scanner pastebincom/1vpsK4fD NTP AMP Scanner pastebincom/EvLZY3Xa Layer 4 Attack Scripts SUDP 50x pastebincom/kQsqnV9x Default UDP pastebincom/gKXzU81v Dr Dos pastebincom/xxm

.htaccess security config

htaccess Security Apache htaccess file security config Contents No Directory Index Options -Indexes htaccess File Protection &lt;files "htaccess"&gt; order allow,deny deny from all &lt;/files&gt; htaccess File Strong Protection &lt;Files ~ "^*\([Hh][Tt

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apache http dos 漏洞复现,以及漏洞检测

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CVE-2011-3192 Run it using python 37 or 310 (tested on it) git clone githubcom/futurezayka/CVE-2011-3192git cd /CVE-2011-3192 pip install -r requirementstxt python3 exploitpy host tasks (example python3 exploitpy examplecom 50)

Уязвимости и атаки на информационные системы

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Writeup of the room called "Keeper" on HackTheBox done for educational purposes.

Keeper First, I run a quick scan on the target $ sudo nmap -sS -Pn --max-retries 1 --min-rate 20 -p- keeperhtb Starting Nmap 793 ( nmaporg ) at 2023-09-22 14:50 CEST Warning: 101011227 giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (1) Nmap scan report for keeperhtb (101011227) Host is up (0053s latency) Not shown: 65515 closed tcp ports (reset) PORT

Apache Range Header DoS Exploit

CVE-2011-3192 Can sıkıntısından dolayı bazı kritik exploitleri GO ile yazma Vol-0x1

Config files for my GitHub profile.

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Config files for my GitHub profile.

plan I - Linux Fundamentals Les utilisateurs et les droits Installer des programmes avec apt-get Surveiller l'activité du système Exécuter des programmes en arrière-plan La connexion sécurisée à distance avec SSH Analyser le réseau et filtrer le trafic avec un pare-feu II - Network Fundamentals OSI Model 1 Couche

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