

Published: 12/09/2016 Updated: 05/01/2018
CVSS v2 Base Score: 7.5 | Impact Score: 6.4 | Exploitability Score: 10
CVSS v3 Base Score: 9.8 | Impact Score: 5.9 | Exploitability Score: 3.9
VMScore: 668
Vector: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P

Vulnerability Summary

ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP prior to 5.6.25 and 7.x prior to 7.0.10 mishandles certain invalid objects, which allows remote malicious users to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data that leads to a (1) __destruct call or (2) magic method call.

Vulnerability Trend

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php php 7.0.4

php php 7.0.3

php php 7.0.1

php php 7.0.7

php php 7.0.2

php php 7.0.9

php php 7.0.8

php php 7.0.5

php php 7.0.0

php php 7.0.6

php php

Vendor Advisories

Synopsis Moderate: rh-php56 security, bug fix, and enhancement update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Moderate Topic An update for rh-php56, rh-php56-php, and rh-php56-php-pear is now available for Red Hat Software CollectionsRed Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Mo ...
Several security issues were fixed in PHP ...
Several vulnerabilities were found in PHP, a general-purpose scripting language commonly used for web application development The vulnerabilities are addressed by upgrading PHP to the new upstream version 5626, which includes additional bug fixes Please refer to the upstream changelog for more information: phpnet/ChangeLog-5php#562 ...
ext/standard/var_unserializerc in PHP before 5625 and 7x before 7010 mishandles certain invalid objects, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data that leads to a (1) __destruct call or (2) magic method call ...
SecurityCenter has recently been discovered to have several vulnerabilities Two were reported by external parties while the rest were discovered during internal testing Note that the library vulnerabilities were not fully diagnosed so SecurityCenter may or may not be impacted Tenable opted to upgrade the libraries as it was more efficient Detai ...

Github Repositories


PHP变量覆盖 <?php $hello = "world"; $b = "hello"; echo $$b; // echo $hello; // 输出 world parse_str() void parse_str(string $str[, array &$result]) 把查询字符串解析到变量中 如果未设置 array 参数,由该函数设置的变量将覆盖已存在的同名变量。 phpini 文件中


一,说明 在学习反序列漏洞的道路中,最首要的就是掌握类和对象的基础知识,懂得php的基本语法。本项目关卡由易至难,建议广大萌新们全部掌握。小白技术一般,还请广大黑客朋友们见谅~~~ 本着分享学习的目的,本人仅提供exp,并不提供完整的wp,绝对不是太懒的原因~~~ 以下内容

反序列化 代码审计 靶场

反序列化靶场 01 反序列化 payload ?flag=s:5:"admin" 解析 执行代码输出反序列化结果 echo serialize("admin"); 解释一下 02 反序列化逃逸 payload1 URL ?img_path=1&f=show POST _SESSION[user]=flagflagflagflag

【Hello CTF】PHPSerialize-labs是一个使用php语言编写的,用于学习CTF中PHP反序列化的入门靶场。旨在帮助大家对PHP的序列化和反序列化有一个全面的了解。

PHPSerialize-labs PHPSerialize-labs是一个使用php语言编写的,用于学习CTF中PHP反序列化的入门靶场。旨在帮助大家对PHP的序列化和反序列化有一个全面的了解。 推荐的学习资源 Bilibili-橙子科技-PHP反序列化漏洞学习 为爱发电最强的一集,陈腾师傅的课应该是圈里面讲的最细的了,而且是一套