

CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: 9.8 | CVSSv2: 7.5 | VMScore: 1000 | EPSS: 0.974 | KEV: Exploitation Reported
Published: 26/04/2019 Updated: 21/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Vulnerability in the Oracle WebLogic Server component of Oracle Fusion Middleware (subcomponent: Web Services). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle WebLogic Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle WebLogic Server. CVSS 3.0 Base Score 9.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).

Vulnerability Trend

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oracle agile plm 9.3.3

oracle agile plm 9.3.4

oracle agile plm 9.3.5

oracle communications converged application server 5.1

oracle communications converged application server 7.0

oracle communications converged application server 7.1

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oracle weblogic server

oracle weblogic server


## # This module requires Metasploit: metasploitcom/download # Current source: githubcom/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Exploit::Powershell def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, ...
#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: Oracle Weblogic Exploit CVE-2019-2725 # Date: 30/04/2019 # Exploit Author: Avinash Kumar Thapa # Vendor Homepage: wwworaclecom/middleware/technologies/weblogichtml # Software Link: wwworaclecom/technetwork/middleware/downloads/indexhtml # Version: Oracle WebLogic Server, versions 103600, ...

Github Repositories

A simple exploit for CVE-2019-2725.

Exploit-CVE-2019-2725 A simple exploit for CVE-2019-2725 Example Code: curl -X POST 127001/_async/AsyncResponseService -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="schemasxmlsoaporg/soap/envelope/" xmlns:wsa="wwww3org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:asy="wwwbeacom/async/AsyncRe

REvil Ransomware Realated IOCs , Mitigation steps and References Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures: CVE-2018-13379, CVE-2019-2725, CVE-2019-11510, CVE-2021-30116 IOCs 18[]223[]199[]234 161[]35[]239[]148 193[]204[]114[]232 dsagovbd/documents/magazine-document_89046_2021-02-28pdf wwwtrendmicrocom/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomw

Weblogic XMLDecoder系列漏洞POC

Weblogic-XMLDecoder-POC Weblogic XMLDecoder系列漏洞POC 漏洞版本 CVE-2017-3506 CVE-2017-10271 CVE-2019-2725 CVE-2017-3506 项目中poc/2017-3506目录下存了两个poc: poc1xml : 执行命令,在/tmp目录下生成diggid文件,需要进docker里面验证 poc2xml : 反弹shell,需要外连 CVE-2017-10271 同3506 CVE-2019-2725 项目中poc/2019-2725目录

(CVE-2019-2725) Oracle WLS(Weblogic) RCE test sciript

Oracle-WLS-Weblogic-RCE (CVE-2019-2725) Oracle WLS(Weblogic) RCE test sciript CVE-2019-2725 is a deserialization vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic Server This remote code execution vulnerability is remotely exploitable without authentication This script which check the presence or absence of a page is based on Python3 (Updated 201107) Usage> python Oracle WLS(Weblo


CVE-2019-2725-POC CVE-2019-2725-POC 修改txt中的大马地址为自己的大马地址,利用burpsuite向目标服务器发送post请求,请求包内容为txt中的内容。

weblogic CVE-2019-2725利用exp。

weblogic_2019_2725_wls_batch weblogic CVE-2019-2725漏洞Exp,针对wls-wsat组件的漏洞,使用三个exp进行批量检测。当时写的时候没想太多,就是验证漏洞存在就完了,于是脚本的功能就是对漏洞存在的机器输出whoami命令的结果。 使用 python3 weblogic_batch_V10py (将目标放入targettxt,一行一个。) 示例 单

CVE-2019-2725 WebLogic Universal Exploit - CVE-2017-3506 / CVE-2017-10271 / CVE-2019-2725 / CVE-2019-2729 payload builder & exploit Info / Help $ python3 weblogic_exploitpy -h ======================================================================== | WebLogic Universal Exploit | | CVE-2017-3506 / CVE-2017-10271 / CVE-2019-2


CUC网络安全攻防实践(Network-security-attack-and-defense-practice) 2023年CUC网络安全攻防实践仓库 📜仓库说明 本仓库基于基础团队实践训练跟练复现完成的 网络安全(2021) 综合实验 。其中以红蓝队角色完成相应的网络攻防场景在线,其中主要是基于Vulfocus平台提供的靶场环境进行

2023网络安全团队攻防实践 实验说明 团队分工跟练复现完成网络安全(2021) 综合实验,一人至少承担一种团队角色 红队:需完成漏洞存在性验证和漏洞利用。 蓝队威胁监测:漏洞利用的持续检测和威胁识别与报告。 蓝队威胁处置:漏洞利用的缓解和漏洞修复(源代码级别和二进制级别两

CNVD-C-2019-48814 poc work on linux and windows

CNVD-C-2019-48814 work on linux and windows(CVE-2019-2725) WebLogic wls9-async反序列化远程命令执行漏漏洞 说明 It's does't work when weblogic patched for cve-2017-10271 10360 12130 基于jas502n的脚本修改而成 使用 python async_command_favicon_allpy 127001:7001 漏洞复现 1 Windows Server 2012 servers/AdminServer/tmp/_


CVE-2019-2725 weblogic命令回显+webshell上传 免责声明:本工具仅供安全测试学习用途,禁止非法使用 weblogic命令回显+webshell上传 脚本简介: 本脚本是基于weblogic 1036和1213版本进行测试,并用python3编写。 1036使用的jdk7u21的payload 1213使用的orgslf4jextEventData类二次反序列化 py依赖的第三方库 req

CVE-2019-2725 命令回显

CVE-2019-2725 CVE-2019-2725(CNVD-C-2019-48814、WebLogic wls9-async) 命令回显 1036 1213 ResultBaseExecjava 用于测试defineClass,将把恶意类从base64还原出来,执行代码,主要是比较方便(可用可不用)。 JDK7u21java 会生成weblogic-2019-2725_1213命令执行txt中的xml,请使用jdk6编译。 CVE-2019-2725py 检测命令是否会


CVE-2019-2725 from secquanorg first launch

WebLogic wls9-async反序列化远程命令执行漏洞

CNVD-C-2019-48814 WebLogic wls9-async反序列化远程命令执行漏洞 回显poc for weblogic Patch update: wwworaclecom/technetwork/security-advisory/alert-cve-2019-2725-5466295html 漏洞复现: 101020166:7001/_async/AsyncResponseService curl -i 101020166:70

cve2019_2725、CNVD-C-2019-48814 Weblogic _async remote command execution exp

CNVD-C-2019-48814、CVE-2019-2725 Weblogic _async remote command execution exp The main code is based on js implementation   Linux Payload uses Jason, Windows Payload is modified 10271, javalangRuntime is executed Environmental needs All versions of Windows Usage cve2019-2725_weblogic_rcebat 192168315:7001 "cat /etc/passwd"

A utility to test Oracle WebLogic issues

weblogic_test A utility to test Oracle WebLogic issues including CVE-2017-10217, CVE-2019-2725, and CVE-2019-2725 (bypass) Todo: Add CVE-2018-2628 usage: wlg_testpy 127001:7001

Weblogic CVE-2019-2725 CVE-2019-2729 Getshell 命令执行

weblogic CVE-2019-2725 CVE-2019-2729 POC 执行命令并回显 usage: 单个目标 python3 weblogic_get_webshellpy url 批量目标,将批量url放入url_listtxt python3 weblogic_get_webshellpy all

CVE-2019-2725 weblogic命令回显+webshell上传 免责声明:本工具仅供安全测试学习用途,禁止非法使用 weblogic命令回显+webshell上传 脚本简介: 本脚本是基于weblogic 1036和1213版本进行测试,并用python3编写。 1036使用的jdk7u21的payload 1213使用的orgslf4jextEventData类二次反序列化 py依赖的第三方库 req

WebLogic Insecure Deserialization - CVE-2019-2725 payload builder & exploit

CVE-2019-2725 WebLogic Universal Exploit - CVE-2017-3506 / CVE-2017-10271 / CVE-2019-2725 / CVE-2019-2729 payload builder & exploit Info / Help $ python3 weblogic_exploitpy -h ======================================================================== | WebLogic Universal Exploit | | CVE-2017-3506 / CVE-2017-10271 / CVE-2019-2

POC-EXP 本脚本针对CVE-2019-2725weblogic 反序列化RCE漏洞,使用前请修改VPS监听地址,并在运行时提交特定的URL即可完成测试 测试地址为:192168209134:49163/_async/AsyncResponseService 修改payload参数中的监听地址和端口后: #python CVE-2019-2725py 运行后输入ip:端口号/_async/AsyncResponseService

cve-2019-2725 References: Tenable - wwwtenablecom/blog/oracle-weblogic-affected-by-unauthenticated-remote-code-execution-vulnerability-cve-2019-2725 Exploit Database - wwwexploit-dbcom/exploits/46780 PaloAlto - unit42paloaltonetworkscom/muhstik-botnet-exploits-the-latest-weblogic-vulnerability-for-cryptomining-and-ddos-attacks/ SISSDEN - si

CVE-2019-2725 bypass pocscan and exp

CVE-2019-2725 bypass tips coded in python3,payloadhere that payload only work in jdk6 exp usage: usage:exppy 127001:8080 whoami poc after edit the iptxt,programe will check the ip in iptxt,testing if the vulnerability exist or not :

CNTA-2019-0014-CVE-2019-2725 免责声明:本工具仅供安全测试学习用途,禁止非法使用 Usage:python3 weblogic_rcepy [url] [command] [is echo?] [win or linux] 具体分析请转:icematchawin/?p=1174


SECTOOLS 1个人安全工具开发学习,语言不限 2主要为图形化工具 -QAQ- 1weblogic cve-2019-2725漏洞检测 2s2_045测试 3zoomeye查询,不消耗api ## 4一键子域名查询,subdomain 5源代码泄漏批量检测

NP Govware 2019 Demos

Govware 2019 Exploit Demos Intro This repository attempts to implement the following exploits for Govware 2019: Oracle WebLogic Server CVE-2019-2725 Docker Runc CVE-2019-5736 with docker containers Setup Prequisites for all exploits: Install docker and docker-compose Instructions for Running demos: Change directory to exploit (see Project Structure) cd <exploit di


Security-Data-Analysis-and-Visualization 2018-2020青年安全圈-活跃技术博主/博客 声明 所有数据均来自且仅来自公开信息,未加入个人先验知识,如有疑义,请及时联系root@4o4notfoundorg。 公开这批数据是为了大家一起更快更好地学习,请不要滥用这批数据,由此引发的问题,本人将概不负责。 对这

WebLogic CVE-2019-2725 More information here Deserialization through wls-wsatwar and wls9_async_responsewar Payload burp-reqtxt tested successfully against VulnHubs WebLogic 10360-2017 and Oracles weblogic:12213 containers

Additional Materials for the Paper "From Industrial Practices to Academia: Uncovering the Gap in Vulnerability Research and Practice," Including Data and Code.

Directory Introduction Our data in figsharecom/s/d814af7390a57dc02c79 In Industrial Data folder, there are three directories: data This directory contains all the industrial data we have collected For a detailed description, please refer to the Data Description section below picture This directory contains the images we use in the markdown file gpt_res This d

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