
Published: 29/04/2024 Updated: 01/05/2024

Vulnerability Summary

In PHP 8.3.* prior to 8.3.5, function mb_encode_mimeheader() runs endlessly for some inputs that contain long strings of non-space characters followed by a space. This could lead to a potential DoS attack if a hostile user sends data to an application that uses this function. 

Vulnerability Trend

Mailing Lists

news-webphpnet/phpannounce/424 (dated April 11) states: news-webphpnet/phpannounce/423 (dated April 11) states: news-webphpnet/phpannounce/425 (dated April 12) states: wwwphpnet/ChangeLog-8php gives these descriptions of the CVE fixes: Note that CVE-2024-2757 is only fixed in 836, while the othe ...