TeamSpeak Client 3.1.4 Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-8290  
Publish Date: 20 Jun 2017
# Title                   : TeamSpeak Client v3.1.4 - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
# Severity                : Medium+/High
# Reporter(s)             : Christian Galeone
# Software Name           : TeamSpeak Client 3.1.4 & TeamSpeak Server
# Vendor Home             :
# Date(s)                 : 25/04/2017 - By Christian Galeone
# Tested in               : Win10 - TeamSpeak Client 3.1.4 (12/04/2017 12:36:18) on Windows 
#                                   TeamSpeak Server (08/11/2016 09:48:33) on Linux
# CVE(s)                  : CVE-2017-8290
# Effects:
# Client Crash (You) - Windows Clients ONLY.
# Note:
# For successfully reproduce the Issue, the following chars needs to be inserted inside the Name of a Channel. 
# PoC:
# Insert the following Special Characters (add as much as you can - Copy and Paste x2):
# aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
# Fix:
# - Remove the affected channel from a non-affected OS or remove it using YaTQA.
# - Exclude that charset from the standard characters used by TeamSpeak.
# - Update the version of your Client and Server -
# Credit(s):
# Christian Galeone