1C: Arcadia Internet Store 1.0 - Path Disclosure

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2001-0704  
Publish Date: 21 Jun 2001
Author: ViperSV
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2904/info

1C: Arcadia Internet Store is a online shopping utility for Microsoft Windows NT/2000 that is fully integratable with 1C: Enterprise, another popular Russian web-commerce utility.

One of the components of this package, 'tradecli.dll', allows users to specify a template file, the contents of which will be output.

If the requested file does not exist, the error message will contain the absolute path of the application on the webserver.

This information may assist in further attacks. 

Exploit: http://host/scripts/tradecli.dll?template=nonexistfile