Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN System Tray Applet - Local Privilege Escalation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-2359  
Publish Date: 22 Feb 2004
Author: Ian Vitek

It has been reported that a privilege escalation vulnerability exists in the Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless System Tray Applet. The issue is due to the software starting with SYSTEM privileges, to enable access to the wireless hardware, and subsequently failing to drop them. 

This may allow a local attacker to manipulate the GUI of the vulnerable application to spawn arbitrary processes with the privileges of the affected process.

Although only version of the utility has been reported vulnerable, it is likely that other versions are prone as well.

After launching the affected application, right click in the application window and choose Help -> Help Files and then from the help; Jump to URL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE

After launching the affected application, right click in the application window and choose Help -> About. By clicking on a link, Internet Explorer will start with SYSTEM privileges.