Web Animations Password Protect - Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-1647  
Publish Date: 31 Aug 2004
Author: Criolabs
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/11073/info

Password Protect is reported prone to a multiple cross-site scripting and SQL injection vulnerabilities. These issues occur due to insufficient sanitization of user-supplied input. Successful exploitation of these issues may result in arbitrary HTML and script code execution and/or compromise of the underlying database.

It is reported that these issues could be exploited to gain unauthorized administrative access to the application.

All versions of Password Protect are considered vulnerable to these issues. 

SQL injection

/adminSection/index_next.asp?admin = (SQLInjection) Pass = (SQLInjection)

/adminSection/ChangePassword.asp?LoginId=(SQLInjection) OPass=(SQLInjection) NPass=(SQLInjection) CPass=(SQLInjection)

Cross-site scripting: