Michael Kohn Ringtone Tools 2.22 - '.EMelody' File Remote Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-1292  
Publish Date: 15 Dec 2004
Author: Qiao Zhang

                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/12010/info

Ringtone Tools is reported prone to a remote buffer overflow vulnerability. This issue arises because the application fails to carry out proper boundary checks before copying user-supplied data in to sensitive process buffers. It is reported that this issue can allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a computer in the context of the application.

An attacker can exploit this issue by crafting a malicious eMelody file that contains excessive string data, replacement memory addresses, and executable instructions to trigger this issue.

If a user obtains this file and processes it through the application, the attacker-supplied instructions may be executed on the vulnerable computer. It is reported that successful exploitation may result in a compromise in the context of the application.

Ringtone Tools version 2.22 is reported prone to this vulnerability. It is likely that other versions are affected as well. 
