P-News 1.16 - Remote File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-5434  
Publish Date: 16 Oct 2006
Author: vegas78

P-News 1.16, 1.17 Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

Discovered by vegas78 - feel82[at]web.de
Greetz: scoper, corny, smaesch0r, Sascha Schmalz, 
        ReFleCtion, BleX, |pupi (?),   

include("$pn_lang/functions.php"); // bad code
include("$pn_lang/language.php"); // bad code

make absolute path declaration or update to the new 2.* version

// Google string
allintitle:"P-news ver. 1.16" / allinurl:p-news.php




# milw0rm.com [2006-10-16]