Wallpaper Script 3.5.0082 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2013-7274  
Publish Date: 16 Dec 2013
Author: null pointer
                [~] Exploit Title : Wallpaper Script Stored XSS Vulnerability
[~] D0rk Google : 
[~] Author : nullp0int3r (0x00p0int3r@gmail.com)
[~] Version : 3.5.0082
[~] Date : 2013-12-14
[~] Vendor Homepage: http://www.wallpaperscript.com/
[~] Test on : Windows

1) Register and log on as a regular member
2) Click on "Add Wallpaper"
3) Write in the title field: </title><script>alert("XSS")</script>
4) Fill other fields and choose a photo and click on "Save"
5) Go to "My Wallpapers"
6) Select your uploaded photo
