WordPress Plotly 1.0.2 Cross Site Scripting

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-5484  
Publish Date: 14 Jul 2015
Author: Tom Adams
Software: Plotly
Version: 1.0.2
Homepage: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-plotly/
Advisory report: https://security.dxw.com/advisories/stored-xss-in-plotly-allows-less-privileged-users-to-insert-arbitrary-javascript-into-posts/
CVE: CVE-2015-5484
CVSS: 6.5 (Medium; AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P)

Stored XSS in Plotly allows less privileged users to insert arbitrary JavaScript into posts

This plugin allows users who do not have the unfiltered_html capability to insert JavaScript into posts/pages which gets executed by the browsers of other users.
On single sites, only Administrators have the unfiltered_html capability, and on multisite, only Super Admins have this capability. This means that e.g. malicious Admins on a multisite, or malicious Editors would be able to perform XSS attacks against other site users and visitors.

Proof of concept

Create a new post as a user (without the unfiltered_html capability)
Switch to text mode
Place this link on a line by itself: https://plot.ly/~a/’onerror=’alert(1)’>
View the post

Upgrade to version 1.0.3 or later.
N.B. If all accounts are trusted, or all accounts have the unfiltered_html capability, then there is no issue.

Disclosure policy
dxw believes in responsible disclosure. Your attention is drawn to our disclosure policy: https://security.dxw.com/disclosure/

Please contact us on security@dxw.com to acknowledge this report if you received it via a third party (for example, plugins@wordpress.org) as they generally cannot communicate with us on your behalf.

This vulnerability will be published if we do not receive a response to this report with 14 days.


2015-06-04: Discovered
2015-07-09: Reported to vendor via the contact form on the Plotly Enterprise site
2015-07-09: Requested CVE
2015-07-10: Vendor responded and confirmed fixed in 1.0.3
2015-07-13: Published

Discovered by dxw:
Tom Adams
Please visit security.dxw.com for more information.
