CORE FORCE Firewall 0.95.167 and Registry Modules - Multiple Local Kernel Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-0365  
Publish Date: 17 Jan 2008


CORE FORCE Firewall and Registry modules are prone to multiple local kernel buffer-overflow vulnerabilities because the software fails to adequately verify user-supplied input.

Local attackers can exploit these issues to cause denial-of-service conditions. Attackers may also be able to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code, but this has not been confirmed.

These issues affect versions up to and including CORE FORCE 0.95.167.

All the vulnerabilities can be reproduced by running a combination of
DC2 and BSODHook tools.

Step by step instructions:

- Get DC2.exe (Driver Path Verifier) from the latest Windows Driver Kit.

- Login as unprivileged user.

- Run "dc2 /hct /a".

- Get BSODHook.exe from Matousec

- Click on "Load Driver" then click on "Find SSDT hooks" then "Add to
probe list" and then "GO".