McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0 < 4.6.5 - 'ePowner' Multiple Vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2013-0140  
Publish Date: 28 Apr 2014
Author: st3n
                # Exploit Title: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6.0-4.6.5 (ePowner) - Multiple vulnerabilities
# Date: 20 November 2012
# Exploit Author: (a.k.a.
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 4.6.0 -&gt; 4.6.5
# Tested on: Windows 2003/2008
# CVE : CVE-2013-0140 , CVE-2013-0141
# More info on: &amp;

v0.2.1- (


- In short, this tool registers a rogue agent on the ePo server and then takes advantage of the 
  following vulnerabilities to perform multiple actions :

	- CVE-2013-0140 : Pre-auth SQL Injection
	- CVE-2013-0141 : Pre-auth Directory Path Traversal

- The tool manages the following actions, called "mode" :

     -r, --register          Register a new agent on the ePo server (it's free)
     --check                 Check the SQL Injection vunerability
     --add-admin             Add a new web admin account into the DB
     --readdb                Retrieve various information from the database
     --get-install-path      Retrieve the installation path of ePo software (needed for other modes)
     --ad-creds              Retrieve and decrypt cached domain credentials from ePo database.
     --wipe                  Wipe our traces from the database and file system
     --srv-exec              Perform remote command execution on the ePo server
     --srv-upload            Upload files on the ePo server
     --cli-deploy            Deploy commands or softwares on clients

- It is strongly advised to read the manual which explains how to use these modes (see below). 
  But basically, your two first actions must be :

	1) Register a rogue agent using '--register'

	2) Setup Remote Code execution using '--srv-exec --wizard'

- Usage examples are provided at the end of this file. It is recommended to read the doc before
  any of usage of them.

- You may find a vulnerable version of the ePo software on my blog. Deploy 2 VMs (eposrv + epocli) and
  test it !

- The tool was developed/tested on Backtrack 5r3, Kali Linux 1.0.6 and Ubuntu 12.04. 
  It won't work under Windows due to linux tools dependencies.
  . ePolicy Orchestrator was running on Win2003 and Win2003 R2
  . The managed station were running on WinXPsp3 and Win7